
Why do gas pumps still say "unleaded" gas when "leaded" gas is not even an option?

by Guest10756  |  earlier

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Why do gas pumps still say "unleaded" gas when "leaded" gas is not even an option?




  1. I wouldn't say anything about this. It will give them another reason to higher the prices for having to change the pumps.

  2. leaded gas is available in some places...airports racetracks. others...

  3. I'm not sure I understand what you think would be more logical. Are you suggesting that pump should label the gas as unleaded if and only if leaded gas is available at that same location?

    Leaded gas is still available in the United States, just not at most service stations. Standard avgas (100LL) has about four times the amount of lead that typical leaded automotive gasolines had, and it is still available. (It is just under 1% of gasoline sold in the US.)

    In any event, the term "unleaded" is slowly going away. It's being replaced with the term "regular" (as opposed to premium or high-octane formulations).

  4. Some planes, racing cars, boats, etc. still use leaded gasoline to boost octane levels.

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