
Why do germans generally have the attitude that they are better than other nationalities?

by Guest59132  |  earlier

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Why do germans generally have the attitude that they are better than other nationalities?




  1. Germans do not have the attitude that they are any better than others. There are people in every country who act like that. Although northern germans are predjudiced to be stuck up, it is a lie. Germans in General are honest people, do you have something against them. That is such an offensive question. And you dont think Americans are pretentious. Listen: I was at the airport once and there were americans trying to get on an overbooked flight. Their argument was "We are American, you better let us on this flight." They were asked to leave. so please, do not make such offensive assumptions.

  2. they had the same mindset in the 1910's and in the 1930's, but it didn't get them anywhere

  3. They don't, maybe they just don't like you because your wearing ripped denim jeans in conservative areas :D

  4. you're wrong, that's not the Germans, it's the Americans!

  5. I think this a stereotype that you may have learnt somewhere. It's wrong.

  6. they dont

    hypocritical people like you just make it seem that way!

  7. When I was at University, we would go over to Stratford upon Avon on Sunday afternoons to eat scones and drink coffee and play "spot the tourist"...

    AmeriKans were easy... they stick out like a sore thumb... but Germans were also easy to spot because they dressed almost as gaudily as AmeriKans but had an air of superiority about them that AmeriKans didn't have.

    BTW... YES, I was part of that obnoxious bunch of University students, that haunts the outside cafe's on sunday afternoons, poking fun at the tourists... and enjoying every minute of it.

  8. I have to say, in all honesty, that I only really know one.  She is very sure of herself but is also quite competent at things.  I think that as a nation, they are competent at a lot of things, such as manufacturing and technology.  Unlike us they do not display modesty, it is just the difference between us.

    There are people that see believing nations have a specific character as racist.  I don't agree with this.

  9. Well, I'm English and I have to say that I haven't found this.  I've met many German folks at University and I have to say that I have liked the large majority of them.  Perhaps you have just been unlucky in that you have met a few 'bad egg' German folks?

  10. Do they?

    I think you should either qualify this question or remove it.

    It might be racist if it is unfounded.

  11. Do we?

    My daughter just started cheerleading here in the US and as she has no team to cheer for, they say "America is the best" Maybe you should re-think your question.

  12. I have lived in Germany, and i never experienced this mentality

  13. They dont.

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