
Why do ghosts need clothes? are they modest?

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Why do ghosts need clothes? are they modest?




  1. You know, there's a good question. If ghostly apparitions are real, i.e., not simply occurring in someone's mind, would the ghost be wearing clothes? Clothes and inanimate objects are not thought to have a "spirit" as people are thought to have. How would an apparition then appear? Naked?  There are many reports of ghost sightings, legitimate or not, where the ghost is described as wearing clothes, however.  I think this is actually a good question to ponder because it actually gets down to the possible mechanisms behind the idea of a ghost apparition.

  2. :-}

    No, they usually are seen in the last thing they were wearing.

  3. I would say that a lot of the answers here are the same as mine, they are seen wearing what they died in. There is a ghost seen on 5th street hill in Huntington Wv, my brother in law picked her up in a cab once, she is wearing a wedding gown. as the story goes, she died on her wedding night, there on 5th street hill in a vehicle accident, or so I hear. There have been many sitings of her.  and the ghost we had in our home on 14th street and 7th avenue in Huntington Wv, my grandmother was the only one to ever see him, but we all heard him, was wearing the type of clothing that the 3 muskateers would wear, even the feather in the hat, it was lavendar in color.

  4. Supposedly they appear exactly as they did the moment they died.

  5. If it is a residual haunting, the ghost has no "control" over what it's doing much less what it is wearing.  Besides there are ghost ships and ghost buildings that materialize, and they don't have a spirit or a soul either.  If it's an intelligent full body apparition, then it is probably wearing something that it wore during a tramatic time or even the moment of their death.

    As a ghost you wouldn't want to freak the observer out any more by also being naked would you?

  6. No,ghosts aren't modest.The people who think they see them must be.

  7. Why, if you were a ghost, would you want your Johnson hanging out?

  8. If they weren't wearing clothes we couldn't see them at all!

  9. To keep warm, silly. Don't you know ghosts lose mass in the cold.

    edit: By the way, ~~333~~ I was reading your article, and I couldnt get past the first section. The part about raising the bar. We havent yet been presented with laboratory evidence which reads statistically above random chance, so how could skeptics be raising the bar. The most basic evidence has not been produced. I think you need to rethink your arguments against skeptics.

    You will find that if a controlled study showed evidence of psychic phenomena, then skeptics would accept it.

    However, if evidence was against psychic phenomena, the believers would never accept it, especially those who make thier living as a fake psychic or medium.

    Who has the closed mind?

  10. Its what they were like in life.

    So, I suppose, if you had a full time nudist who died and came back as a ghost, they'd be naked.

    But since most people, and hence most ghosts, are textiles most of the time, its probable they'll be textiles in the afterlife.

  11. heres the perfect link  that educates this..  

    youll find occams razor and all mentioned in this

    EDIT ~~ wushuboy you contradict your self all the time... you say jesus is still alive and meant to be coming back, you say there is an invisible war going on between god and satan who is a demon.>>>> now you confuse me, cause you say there are no spirirts, and there is no after life, nothing paranormal how can jesus be still alive and coming back when he died 2000 years ago, how can there be demons, always talk of the bible, isnt there supernatural claims in the bible, about angels appearing and such... how can there be spirits of some and not others...dont you always say when some one dies thats more..end of story....

  12. They like to be fashion

  13. Ghosts would probably need to be in familiar surroundings in order to actually materialize, I think clothes are an association or imprint of that person. It is just another way to make their presence known - the same as familiar smells like jasmine, lavender, cigar smoke or whatever was associated with that person in life.

  14. They never know when they might run into someone they want to impress!  Just like man, clothes make the ghost.

  15. Ooo ooo, I know! I know! Apply Occam's razor to the Amazing Randi!

  16. Dang!! I wish Ida  thut uv that questun first!

    Edit..SEE...THEY DID IT AGAIN!! Dang it!! Who are you??

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