
Why do ghosts usually leave when a house has been given a "blessing"?

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Could it be that they have been waiting for the blessing because they think they won't be accepted in Heaven ..or wherever..without having been "blessed first? Or maybe because they didn't have what they think was a "proper funeral"? I'm trying to understand what a "blessing" is and why it would make a difference.




  1. Ghost are not real. People imagine they leave just as they have imagined they are there in the first place. If ghost were real why would they wear clothes? Humans are programmed to look for the human face. Have you ever been in bed late at night and saw a face in the dark, then when you turned your light on you see it was really the shirt hanging on your bedroom door and not a ghost or face at all

  2. yeah I think it's kinda of like what you said, ghosts usually stay in a place because they haven't fully crossed over to the otherside. This could be because they are afraid because they may have done bad things when they were alive or they don't actually realise they're dead, like in the film The Others or are just not ready to accept death.

  3. If you believe in both ghosts and the power of spiritual cleaning, exorcism, etc. then it will work.

    Let's pretend for a bit here.  Let's say I convince you I have a magic wand.  It has the power to make you sick and it can cure you of disease.  So, if you're convinced of the power of my magic wand and I cast a spell on you to make you sick you are probably going to start to feel sick, right?  And if you're convinced my magic wand can heal you and I cast a spell of healing then you'll probably feel better, right?

    Even if you truly felt ill you really weren't because my magic wand has no magical powers.  You felt this way because you both *perceived* an ability that wasn't there and you allowed this ability to manifest itself in a subjective and immeasurable manner.  In other words, even if you were totally convinced of the power in my magic wand I could never have caused something (i.e. cancer, a tumor, infection, etc.) beyond your psychological sphere of influence.  You perceived the magic and you perceived the influence of that magic.  It was totally within the realm of your own mind.  It was a subjective experience that existed to no one but you yourself.  It could not have been observed or measured by anyone else.

    If we take this a bit further we can see why it's so important to obtain evidence of hauntings.  If something is immeasurable or there is no empirical evidence for it, then for all intents and purposes it doesn't exist beyond the person who perceived it.  If you are convinced your house is haunted and you strongly believe in the power of exorcism, spiritual cleaning, herbal smudging, etc., then the exercise will likely succeed because the haunting is a psychological artifact unique to you, just as the power of exorcism is based on the belief in the person who perceives its success.

    The rate of success of such a ritual hinges on the belief system of the person who experiences it.  If a person believes only a smudging of burned sage will clean a house of ghosts then a Catholic rite of exorcism isn't going to do anything.  The haunting will continue until the ritual that person recognized as magical is performed.  The only logical explanation of this is that it's all in between the ears of the person who is being haunted.  Thus the phrase, "There are no such things as haunted places, just haunted people."

    I am in no way implying people who perceive hauntings are psychologically disturbed.

  4. It is a question of the psyche of the living person who had the blessing performed.  For instance, say I believe that there is a ghost in my house and I want someone to bless the house so the ghost will leave.  The issue is that there really is no ghost and it's all in my head.  So now, someone comes and blesses the house, and because the ghost was in my head, and because in my head I believe the blessing will make the ghost leave, I convince myself there no longer is a ghost!


  6. Its depends on some of the paranormal/ghosts or spirits (mean the same thing). Some may leave and some may not...  it is not always easy to explain... only way we can think of blessing the house or cleanse... blessing is to me meaning cleanse and maybe, just maybe the spirits didn't have a proper burial or funerals... Mostly spirits doesn't want to beleive that they had died phsyical and they become earthbound. which some people don't believe that spirits can be earthbound.   Not always easy when it comes to explaining things like this.

    My mother is learning how to do those kind things and I am learning through her and aide of my preacher, Father who also believe in Parnormal as well. I am studying them myself and maybe hope I would start doing some parnormal group.

    I am working on and studying them...

    I hope it help some.

  7. The mind is simply tricked into thinking that paranormal activity actually existed in the first place, then are relieved when their mind actually knows the truth.

  8. The people dwelling in the house choose to stop imagining ghosts are there.Kind of like a paranormal placebo effect.

  9. "Ghosts" hang around because their spirit still feels attached to the real world. They leave after a blessing because their souls/spirits are being let go of, similiar to a funeral service. the "ghost' feels like it is being allowed to leave this world and enter the after life world it is supposed to be in.

  10. i dont know!!!even i want to know that!!!

  11. you cannot bless a house to rid it of any type of haunting.  You would have to use a cleansing ritual for that.

  12. you have alot of time on your hands dont you?

  13. Its all power of suggestion.

  14. maybe people believe they leave so they some how ignore their "perinormal" experiences.

  15. b/c they don't like Christians so they run away from them.

  16. They don't always leave. They may quiet down a bit for 2-3 weeks or so.

    I am going up to a house to do a spirit rescue. This what has been going on, how I have helped her by phone so far.

    Her family has always owned this house. They built it in the early 1920's. After her grandfather passed over, they rented the house out. The tenets moved out shortly after they moved in, told her, there was something in the house.

    The girl didn't believe it. How could she, she spent many a night in that house growing up & nothing has happened. She moved into the house.

    The noise started right away. Between the hours of 1-3am. She would hear the kitchen closets opening & closing, water be turned on, walking ect.

    Her cell phone and other items would be moved to another part of the house. She was near her iron doing something, when she heard the steam coming out of it. The iron wasn't plugged in.

    She has had investigators in the house, they caught orbs & shadows. She wanted the spirit out of the house.

    She had a wiccan come in & do a sage blessing, that didn't work, then she had a priest come in to Bless the house. That didn't work.

    She had gotten my name and email from someone in Mich. who knows about my abilities. She emailed me, I called her up.

    I told her till I can get there, talk to the spirit, as if she was talking to a physical person. She owns her own business. I told her to politely tell the spirit, that she has to get up early in the morning, that she needed her sleep, so if they can be quiet during the night. He stopped the noise at night. I told her to acknowleddge him by name. She does. Also told her that her cell phone & keys were important that if there was an emergency, she would need both. As of this time, they haven't been touched.

    I told her, to tell the spirit, that she has a friend (me) that will be up in a couple of weeks. That the friend knows where his Loved ones are and will help him go to them.

    I theory is; if they were going to go into the light, they would of when they passed. We do not know why they didn't.

    Could be, they didn't believe in life after physical death, found themselves there & were scared. Maybe they didn't believe in God, realized, they are still alive and afraid to continue on. Could be they had a deep Faith, they feel guilty about something, the guilt is keeping them here, a job unfinished ect.

    So not knowing why they stayed. I talk to them about thier loved ones, missing them, how they want to see them can't find them, so I direct them to their loved ones.

    So far this method has worked many times for me.

  17. I am no expert and I don't think anyone fully knows, I watched a show yesterday were a ghost that in his life was catholic was cast out buy a catholic priest and it worked. But I seen another show were a catholic priest tried to cast out a ghost and it did nothing, I think because the ghost wasn't catholic. I think the catholic ghost was afraid of the priest. And thats what made it leave. See and I believe most ghosts are very negative and give off negative energy. When you have a very positive person in your home exhibiting huge amounts of positive energy it scares the ghost off or weaken his grip on the earthly realm allowing it to be pulled away to the afterlife.

    To all fellow christians if you read about king solemen you should know there are spirits.

  18. Well, the confusion is in believing in ghosts in the first place. But it depends on ones belief system. As a Christian, I know that there are no 'ghosts.' The spirits of dead people are not wandering the earth, they are 'asleep,' awaiting the resurrection which does not happen until the end of the world.

    So my belief is that what we think of as 'ghosts' are actually the spirits of fallen angels (aka demons) who are seeking to DECEIVE gullible humans into believing in ghosts and other paranormal 'manifestations' so that people will not believe in the One true God and His Son whom He sent to give His life for the world...

    Now, fallen angels/demons don't want anything to do with Jesus... Just read Mark chapter 5 in the Bible.

  19. Hi Deenie,

    Some ppl have gv really stupid and funny answers here (i did laugh..i must admit)

    Ok so i know wat u are asking

    I'm a Hindu by birth and yes we too believe in 'blessing' ghosts so that they leave and continue on thier spiritual journey

    some cermonies need to be done by the 'Pandits" or preists

    But really ppl who see the 'ghosts' havent really stopped seeing  them even after these ceremonies (my experience)

    At times i too feel its psychological effect

  20. They don't. There is no reason to think that any were there in the first place. It's senseless to ask why a ghost does this or a ghost does that when you haven't even shown that ghosts exist.

    What has changed when a house is "blessed" is the occupants' beliefs. Perception is a function of preconception. A "blessing" is way to work the power of suggestion over yourself. If the occupants stop believing a ghost is haunting them, then they are going to stop inventing reasons to think they are haunted.

    If you wanted a religious answer, well, you know the proper place to ask.

  21. alot of people belive that ghosts are demons or evil spirits and buy being blessed by a priest it puts the power of god on wherever is being blessed and demons hate anything that has to do with god of jesus and it's said in the bible if u cast away an evil spirit in jesus's name it has to leave and most people only do that if a spirit is getting out of hand like doing evil things or hurting family members and breaking sry im having a hard time putting my thoughts into words but i hope that helped a little bit

  22. It depends on how strongly the residents believe in the blessing. If they think it will leave, it will.

  23. First off, blessing doesn't send away a free-willed entity.  Proper funeral?

    Ghosts are egos left by a person after they have died.

    All I can say is that it's not the blessing that is doing the work.  It's the person's intent of getting rid of the spirit which dwells in ones house.  It's the same way magicks works; intent.  Nothing else.

    Physical can't touch spiritual plane.

    Mental thoughts, intent, etc could.

  24. Do ghosts really leave the premise if it has been blessed? No one really knows the exact answer. Ghosts are paranormal entities that in existence because they have unfinished business and it does not provide factual information that through the blessing of the house, they will depart.

    In many historical accounts, ghosts were thought to be deceased people looking for vengeance, or imprisoned on earth for bad things they did during life. Most cultures have ghost stories in their mythologies. So, it is hard to tell.

    They seem to have left the area but they may still be there....

  25. Cause they hate church as much as the rest of us.

  26. No, they're never there in the first place, they don't exist.

    (... neither does Heaven.)

  27. it depends, demons since christ is the enemy, when prayer is said you over powere them and send them back, that is why weaker preists usually do not perform exorcisms or anything like that.  as for spirits, not all are bad.  the good ones usually suffered in theyre lifetime and/or they feel their life is incomplete.  the blessings help them cross over. the bad ones usually had a very tragic life and when in the spirit world, sometimes do not know that they are dead.  they take their anger out on the inhabitants.  the blessing can also help them cross over

  28. there are many reasons why a house should be blessed.  One of the famous is to drive away spirits that resides inside the house, a sort of exorcism to drive away bad jujus. One reason is to attract good fortune or good favor hence the name "blessing".

  29. OK that is not always the case. When a home or business is blessed unless the agent or ghost wants to leave they wont go. But in twenty years of Ghost investigation I have found Blessing a home really only puts the home owners mind at easy. Unless the ghost is evil it wont go with a blessing. When a spirit is in a home and you are scared or do not want it to be there the best thing for you to do is tell the ghost how you feel. Be strong and do not let it change your mind. Tell the agent you wish it would just go or that this is your home and you do not want it here. IF it will still not go then I would say get a paranormal Team in to take a look. Check out the team first and make sure they have experience in the field or have been around for at least two or three years. They may have other ways to get control of the ghost that haunts  your home or office.

    Last make sure your whole family wants the ghost gone, if only one person wants it to stay then most of the time it will. Your not alone out there and you can find help. Goggle paranormal groups or ghost hunters in your state. And make sure the ghost knows you want it to go.


  30. a blessing is supposed to help the ghost pass on lol especailly if they're christian

  31. hi, when a house is blessed, its vibration is generally higher. when the vibration is higher than the vibration of a spirit, the spirit can no longer live there. just like that, spiritual ppl and happy ppl tend to have higher vibrations..depressive ppl have very low ones. ppl who have been meditating in caves for years will also have exceptionally high vibrations.

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