
Why do girl volleyball players have to wear spandex?

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Whats the point? Couldn't they get by in shorts? I went to a game tonight and it was frightening.




  1. because there s**y like i am bbuutt there is a problem i am morre s**y.oooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkk...

  2. we dont have to it is just way easier to move around in and so people dont look up our shorts

  3. Hey I look pretty good in my spandex. I can't believe you didn't think it was hot!

  4. We don't HAVE to, it's just a lot easier to move in, and a whole lot better than the briefs that we used to wear!  With all of the movement that goes on, from lateral to jumping, diving and rolling, shorts can be very restrictive and take away from your speed.  

    If you're really focused on the game, (and if you're in shape) it's not a big deal.

  5. easier to move around in

  6. Some high school teams still wear regular sport shorts but most wear spandex they say its because they can move easier to get the ball and allthat stuff but  what do you do when there is a 185 lb girl on the team??????

  7. when i played (8 years) i didn't wear spandex, i refused. i would't be able to focus on playing the game, i'd be too worried about how my butt looked in the spandex and if my legs giggled or something. gah. professional teams wear it to llook...professional. i'm sure if someone didn't wanna wear it them they wouldn't have to.

  8. some girls just like to wear spandex. but some girls wear em way 2 short. and some girls just want to empress guys and make them look at there butts. but yeah they are easyier to move in. but i like wearing spandex underneath soffees. its compfey

  9. well i just finished my game, and im still wearing my spandex.

    haha, they are a lot easier to move around in, and especially sliding in, so yooh are able to get to the ball a lot quicker.

    also it does get more people to come and watch the game (:

    hehe. sooo yeh,  it make the game a lot easier to play

  10. Easier to move around. Its lame! I love volleyball, but will NOT wear spandex.

  11. They are jumping around.  They don't want anything to pop out.

  12. Because when we slide without spandex pervert boys see our buts! Plus they are easier to move in!

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