
Why do girls act feminine?

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Why do girls act feminine?




  1. woooowww

  2. How are we supposed to act, brainiac?  Like fish?  Wolves?  Daffodils?  Hummingbirds?

    I hope for your sake you won't be like this forever.

  3. Because they are more likely to attract mates that way.

  4. coz they r girls

  5. Because to be feminine, by definition one must act like a girl?

  6. Because we are girls and we dont like being gross. (like most guys) we like being girly and we want guys to be more like us and see things like we do. We act feminine because we can!!!!!

  7. girls r feminine bcuz girls want 2 b like girls they dont want 2 b like boys

  8. Because we are born and raised that way.  Some more than others.

  9. Who you calling feminine? Shut up or I'll smack you with my makeup bag!

  10. Because that is where our power lies.

  11. Girls don't "act" feminine, they are feminine, well most of them anyway.

    Girls are naturally inclined to be feminine its not an "act", but there are plenty of exceptions like me, im a tomboy but that's naturally the way i am.

  12. Probably because we are girls.

  13. It's the way girls are.

  14. Eventually, it gets down to stereotypes. From a very young age we're brought up surrounded by things our parents, relatives, teachers and society etc believe fits our gender. For example, the colors pink and blue have always been dominantly used to represent girls and boys respectively, our first christmas' as a child consist of presents that are seen by society to suit our gender i.e barbie dolls for girls and toy cars for boys and it even goes as far as sport is a boys thing and shopping is a girl thing. Today, both genders are breaking the stereotype and there are now successful female athletes and well known male models, for example.So, basically, girls act feminine because that's the way society as a whole think girls should act.

  15. estrogen first of all...and it the same reason why males act masculine

  16. Because it is in our blood, its our nature....we have estrogen in our blood which causes us to act feminine have mood swings, cry during sad movies....and guys have testosteronene in them which causes them to be manly and have that competitiveve personality about them...

  17. From the very second you are born you are labeled as either a girl or a boy.  It is traditional to put blue clothes on a boy and pink on a girl so that everyone around can identify the baby's gender.  Growing up, girls are raised in a society that tells them to be cute and innocent and act proper whereas boys are raised to be independent and strong.  Ever notice how if you dress a baby in neutral gendered clothing there will be a lot of questions, "Is it a boy or a girl"?  Why does it even matter?  I guess the people who ask are wondering if they should treat the child like a little boy, or like a little girl.  Each option being a completely different way to treat the child.

    I agree that is is nature (boys are born with more muscle mass and testosterone, whereas girls are born with weaker muscles and estrogen)... and also nurture (we are taught to act differently depending on our gender and also to raise our kids differently depending on their gender).

  18. maybe because feminine means girly???? and girls like to act like girls....

  19. i think to a large extent its nurture than nature...

  20. because we like to feel pretty, and if i'm not mistaken we appear more attractive to men when we feel pretty.  Feeling feminine and acting feminine add something that just blush and lip gloss can't

  21. because we feminine means to act like a female, so no matter what we do we are being feminine!

  22. um because we are girls  

  23. because they are Feminine  

  24. because they don't have testosterone.

  25. IDK. I've always been feminine, since I was a little girl. Nobody pushed me to be that way, it was just natural for me. But it's not natural for some girls. Some girls are naturally more masculine.  

  26. because there fighting for wat they are

  27. Why do guys act masculine?

  28. Nature and Nurture.

  29. its just in you.

    why is it in YOU?  

  30. ..I don't, not that much anyways.

    I'm a professional mixed martial artist, I kick peoples *** for a living. I don't think thats too feminine.;...

  31. Because they're female.  Feminine means, like a female.  So if you're a female, by definition you act feminine.

    You might as well ask why the sky is green, or the grass blue.  It's just how things are.

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