
Why do girls always....?

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why do girls nvr want to tell thr parents thyr pregnant? ( say they were 14 to 17) If i got pregnant i wuld b so happy,but y do sum grls think thr troubled wen pregnant? do they think thr parents will kick them out of the house? or wut?




  1. Because  they are not mature enough to have a child. Teenage pregnancy is 9 chances out 10 on purpose!

    Parents should kick them out of the house...if they feel they are adult enough to become a parent, then they are adult enough to get out and be on there own. Paying rent, working a real full time job, and supporting themselves.

  2. Yes a lot of them do. A lot of them haven't talked about s*x with their parents, and don't have an open line of communication to begin with. It's messed up, and falls back on their parenting(or lack of) received. If you are a successful parent, you kids would either 1) not wind up pregnant as a teen, or 2) be able to come to you without hesitation if and when they do get pregnant. Too many parents don't want to be "embarrassed" in talking to their kids.

  3. It's definately, from the young people I've worked with, a case of 'fear and fear of rejection/ disappointment'. A lot of teenage girls I've worked with are desperately wanting to tell their parents but are in fear of the outcome, not wanting their parents to reject them or feel 'disappointment' in their own child.

  4. i think its because its a embarassing thing to get but they dont want to tell their parents because they're scared of what might happen to them

  5. May be the parents also have faced same problems in their lives, and care about, that's why, they'll always like the kids to be happy, but kids wanna have fun, its some times OK, but at this age your body, physique is not ready for parenting,  that's biology, you should be pregnant any way after 20 + , officially is always better!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. ok well let's put it this way. girls don't want to tell cuz it's like for one very disappointing in the fact they were dumb and got knocked up before being done with high school. and there are times when girls are kicked out of the house or sent to a special places or all kinds of things. most parents do not so well when faced with the fact that they were bad parents and let their kids get knocked up. i have lost all faith in parents these days because so many teens are getting pregnant becasue their parents aren't doing their jobs. now i'm not saying that this is all the parents of all pregnant teens but a vast majority and it's sad that these kids have no sense of responsibility to even think to wrap it up or get birth control or even just remain abstinant. and of course the s*x education programs in the school systems these days suck so bad these days i remember learning about condoms and taking home a crying doll where to make it stop crying you had to put a key in it's back yeah cuz you turn kids off with a key in the back. and then there was the birthgin video where after seeing that you think oh man that was gross and that's about it.

  7. i think its just that parents want so much for their children and so when their young daughter comes and says I'm pregnant it kinda scares parents to think their daughter might have a hard life. its not easy being a parent especially a young parent. Parent want their children to be happy, successfully adults who can take care of themselves and when you have a child at a young age chances of that happening are slim to none. Only because sometimes you have to drop out of school to take care of your child or if you graduate high school you cant go away to collage cause you cant afford collage or have to stay and work to buy pamper and milk. And kids are afraid to tell their parent that are were out having unprotected s*x, yes the fear is there that they are going to get kicked out of the house and have nowhere to go. and not have anyone to support them. Cant always count on the guy, no matter how nice they may seem. Ive seen it happen way to many times.

  8. Because they dont want to get their a*s beat, and yes sometimes girls do get kicked out for something like that.

    Secerts of Truth is absolutely right.  The teen gets pregnant because their parents never sat down with them and said "I would prefer you to wait until marriage, but if you do become sexually active now, you CAN come to me and we will get you on birthcontrol and I can answer any questions.  If you ever need to come to me for anything, dont be afraid."  It's as simple as those two sentences.  But parents don't do that so their teens have no communication with their parents and are afraid of their parents because parents only say "dont have s*x until your married" and look at how well tha tworked out.

  9. Because then their parents would know they were having s*x, and parents don't want their 14-17 year old having s*x. h**l, I'm 18 and I overheard my dad telling my mom that he'd kick me out (or at least not let the baby live here) if I got pregnant. Same with my twin brother if he got some girl pregnant.

    Why the **** would you be happy about being pregnant if you're that young? Why ruin your life like that? Wait until you're done with college and have a decent job to support a family. And are married, preferably.

  10. because they no they have done the wrong thing and they don't want to fase the truth with there parents just to have them lecure to the child about there choice.

    Plus alot of parents tell the Child that she needs to wait tell she is married and/or loves the person derily.

    And I now if it was me I am 13 I know my mom would be very dissapointed with me but still help me though the pregnacy.

    Some parents will kick their Child out of the house for pregnacy because the parents don't want to deal with her going though everything

    Hope I helped!!  :)

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