
Why do girls do this???

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So I met her, we madeout and it was kinda weird to meet some girl and makeout with her. Then I findout shes a widow and we started dating and then she got all weird and broke up then I waited to contact her and its like she only wants to see me when SHE wants 2 see ME not when I wanna see her or vice versa... I should write her off or after the not talking for awhile and then talking again. I should give her another chance? this is already 2 times she has said she couldnt hangout...




  1. she thinks u are pretty and that's why she keep on hanging out with you.She thinks ya guys are cute togather.So give her another chance. And trust me i know because i'm a girl.And guys could do that to.

  2. Maybe since her husband died she hasn't experienced the emotions that she feels for you, and she is afraid of feeling that way for another man again.  

  3. guys can do that too....

  4. Let her go.  It sounds like you're just her rebound guy...

  5. give her a couple more chances she might be super busy

  6. Sounds like she uses you as a rebound. Give her up.

  7. ha she does it because she can, if she really likes being around you that much then its all good for you. You know how it feels to have to fight for her time... give her a taste of her own medicine. Point being, she is in complete control and you have to get some of it back if you want to get to mutual ground.  

  8. she's a widow, she could very well still be going through the grieving process. She may be battling inner emotions that make her feel like she's cheating on her husband when she's with you. I don't know how long it's been since her husband passed, if you don't know, you should find out not only for yourself, but if you want to have a relationship with her, you need to get to know her and that's a pretty important event that's occurred in her life. Just give her patience and understanding. Maybe she felt like she jumped into the relationship too fast and for the wrong reasons. Slow down with her, give her space, but don't give up on her. There's a small chance that after a few dates she decided you aren't what she first thought and she doesn't like you anymore, but that doesn't really sound the case at all. It really sounds like you are just trying to move faster than she is comfortable. Don't be soooo focused on your feelings and what you want and why she isn't footing the bill, that is selfish. She is the one having to deal with a tragedy, not you, think of her and her needs too. She needs time to let him go so she can get to know you without him always tagging along if you know what I mean. Do you want to end up always being compared to him?  

  9. If you really care about her give her the time she needs.  She might be trying to adjust to a new life.  

  10. yeah try to give her another chance if she wants one.

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