
Why do girls get offended when their boyfriend tells them to lose some weight

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I'm not sure why girls get offended when we tell them to start losing some weight, we just trying to look out for them. Its no disrespect just wanna be honest, and stay attractive to you.




  1. um, because its not would be like us girls telling you that your p***s is small and we want it to be bigger so we can stay attracted to how does that sound?

  2. its the same thing as saying...i dont want to be seen with you in that condition....think if the roles were reversed

  3. Because it's disrespectful and rude. She is a person not a package. I am surprised you have a girlfriend frankly.  

  4. It's like saying "Not quite good enough" or "I'd like you more or if you were slimmer".

    It's a very sensitive subject for a female - whether you consider them too skinny or too fat. It's taken as a direct criticism of their appearance; not something anyone particularly likes to hear.

    Men seem to view it differently because they're not quite so sensitive to weight issues. However, turn round to a guy and say "I'd prefer it if you had more hair" then you might begin to see the picture.

    Bit personal isn't it?

  5. because they are asking you to change yourself for them without good reason, just on their personal whim

    it would be like a girl telling her boyfriend to get some muscle because he looks wimpy

    they should be supportive of the way each other naturally is

    (unless of course the girl is unhealthily overweight)

  6. maybe they think that you are teasing them but for me, it is good for us to know in order for us to  have an idea about our body as long as you tell your opinions nicely.

  7. Guys should be attracted to their girlfriends no matter whether their 6stone or 22.

    It shows that the guys shallow, and just being insensitive.

  8. It could be health issues you are talking about, but if they are perfectly fine and happy in their body, then it would be rude to say it.

    We would actually like to think that guys like us no matter how big or small we are.

    That's why we get offended.

  9. that is the meanest thig you could say!!!!! Every girl thinks she's fat no doubt! But you don't have to make them feel worse. Can't there be any guy That actually would date an over weight or fat girl. Seriously stop being shallow!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Whenever my husband used to bring up my weight I'd go off on him big time.  He learned really quickly that it's none of his business.  Men should love their girls the way they are and if they don't...they can take a hike.  He wants me to be healthy, but that's a choice I have to make myself.  He can't do it for me.  

  11. if thats the only reason your attracted to us, that means were wasting our time its extremly offending, your supposed to love us for us, not because were skinny or pretty.

  12. Next time dont tell them ...jsut send them this  

  13. I'd say lose the boy friend! Obviously he wouldn't be worth keeping if he was so superficial anyways! That's enough weight loss!

  14. It's not nice to call someone fat.

    What if you girlfriend told you that you should start using a p***s enlarger or something like that?

  15. Cause ur calling them fat thats what i think.

  16. Probably the same reason you get offended when they say you have a small wee wee

    you don't want to hear it

  17. well girls shouldn't get offended if you tell them that..(unless there sassy *******)...but its helpful if u tell us  

  18. Was she fat when you first started dating?  If so, it's totally your problem.

  19. It is basically saying your fat!

  20. If you are dating someone you should accept them the way they are and not try to change them. If you would no longer be attracted to your woman if she gained a few pounds I suggest you never get married. After having a baby it will take your wife a few months to get back down to her normal size, and I'd hate to see you file for divorce because your wife had loose skin.

  21. because they are fat and lazy..i bet the girls who got offended by this are fat

    hit her with a frying pan in her sleep and take her to get liposuction  

  22. cuz they're self consious about their weight

  23. because they are basically saying you are way too fat. it you were just slightly overweight they probably wouldnt mention anything at all

  24. Because it's a little disrespectful, I mean no matter what way you put it it's still going to come out disrespectful, like you're calling her fat. Put it in this perspective. What if your girlfriend had s*x with you and right after told you "Honey, I'm just trying to look out for you, but I really think you should take enlargement pills because your p***s is a little on the small side." Whenever you mention something physical about someone that they could change, chances are they will get offended.  

  25. Well,since I'm at war with fat girls,I say you do the right thing reminding her to lose weight.They need a reality check up.They pick too much on the skinnies for nothing and it's not fair.

    They get mad because they're embarrassed and because you're telling them the truth in the face.It's hard to accept the truth most of the times,because it hurts.

    On the flipside,why should a woman change and look as her man wants her to? What is she,an object? When guys get this attitude toward women,they pretty my objectify them.No,we're not dolls to dress and look as you guys want.You're going to have to accept us as we are.Or else,what's the  point of entering a relationship with us if you're not pleased  with how we look?

  26. the reason most likely is that girls are already insecure about themselves && feel worse when there boyfriend notices it. plus its her decision to lose weight not yours. if the boyfriend is really wanting to change her, then maybe he should suggest that the two of them work out together.

  27. If you don't like her for who she is, then you ARE being offensive. You're being insulting by calling them "fat," which is what you really are doing. You're being controlling, in that you are telling them that if they don't change to suit your standards, you won't be attracted to them. And you're acting as if you, somehow, don't need changes in any way, weight included. Would you change your your friends if your girlfriend told you that you should because they aren't good for you and she's just looking out for you, even if they are, in fact, not good for you? Or would you be just a little angry that she wants to change who you are and you just don't seem good enough exactly the way you are? Be truthful.

    Any girl that you tell that to should drop you as soon as look at you and find someone who likes them for who they are.

  28. well it IS rude but it depends how you say it. you can like both do more sports or something without having her know she fat..

  29. that is like saying, "oh, and by the way, you aren't very pretty, actually, you are fat".....that is very rude!!!

  30. Unless you're our doctor or other health provider, keep your mouth shut.  Coming from you is an insult because to us it seems like you don't think we're good enough for you unless we lose weight.  Besides, you know what we look like before saying anything, so to claim you'll no longer be attracted to us unless we lose weight is BS because there was something that attracted you to us in the first place.

  31. Because if you don't like our weight deal with it! Its rude to point out someone is over weight. And it in no way ever helps someone it just makes them feel bad. Doing what it takes to lose weight comes from a personal want, not your boyfriend wanting you to stay skinny for him!

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