
Why do girls give their numbers when they don't pickup when yo call them?

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Why do girls give their numbers when they don't pickup when yo call them?




  1. they were drunk when they gave you their number

  2. They either don't like you and were being nice or playing hard to get.

    Just stop calling!

  3. because they are women!

  4. damm bro this happen to me all the time first i thought she gave me the wrong number or she made a mistake typing the number in ..but then i notice i get this i would say i musta  did something wrong or she was only interested in me only that particular time when i was with her sad =(

  5. Probaby because they were just being nice and giving you there number when they weren't really interested. They would rather ignore your calls then tell you face to face they aren't into you. Also though you have to decide if she is on vacation, or if she just wasn't home, maybe had family visiting. There are possible excuses for her not answering so don't be too quick to give up completely!

  6. Just to be nice. some give fake numbers

  7. Could be they don't answer strange numbers.

    Leave a message and let them call you back and don't sweat it if they don't.

  8. ... because they're being annoying and trying to get you to care.

  9. maybe you're slightly creepy. Seriously though, if we give you our REAL number, then we actually want you to call us. So, maybe the girl is just busy.Maybe she doesn't want to answer because she doesn't know what you want from her. Leave a sweet but not sleezy message and she'll probably call you back when she's not busy.

  10. could be several reasons:

    you call too much

    you call from a blocked number

    you call at the wrong time-too early too late

    when they gave you the number they were not interested and didn't want to be mean

    ..or they could just be busy..but I say its on e of the other ones above

  11. It makes some women feel powerful when they can control your emotions like that. They just sit beside the ringing phone and think about how desperate you are.

  12. they dont want to hurt your feelings.

    if this happened to you, just leave a simple message saying to call her back but if she doesnt call back within 5 days she probably isnt interested. Sorry bud.

  13. Maybe that particular girl is just not at her phone at the moment? Lol.  Leave a message and wait for her to call you back.  Because, I know when a guy calls me I pick up after like the first ring, LOL.

  14. everytime i give a guy my number i answer it,, leave a message and wait a week, if she doesnt answer you in 3 weeks(3 calls)    give it up, or talk to her personally

  15. Because alot of women are childish and want to play high school games all the way into their 40s.

  16. they dont want to hurt your feelings by turning you down and not giving you their number.  i used to do that but now i just hurt peoples feelings.  some guys are very persistent and will call and call until you have to block their number.  men can be nuts.

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