
Why do girls go to the washroom in pairs?

by Guest33126  |  earlier

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you ever notice that girls, a lot of the time go to the washroom in pairs, whats the deal with that???




  1. It takes two of them to put their cooter monster back in.

  2. So they can gossip about how their day is going!

    Also, so one can borrow some make-up from a friend to touch up.

  3. usually to talk about girl stuff

  4. I always go alone. I don't want someone to come along so she can hear me pee.

  5. so they can talk to each other really annoyingly about c**p while you're trying to pee in peace and then stand in front of the basins so you have to shove them out the way to wash your hands. i'm not a fan of this practice :-(

  6. They have to talk about stupid stuff.

  7. It's a girl thing, but mostly to talk, ask our girl what she thinks if a cue guy is hitting on us. And to borrow makeup, and theirs safety in numbers.

  8. Cause we need our friends to cheer us on kinda

  9. Herd mentality.

    It extends to all areas of their lives, but the bathroom thing is the one that guys notice the most.

    A woman doesn't dare 'think' (actually feel, but that's whole other question) or do something unless she is sure that the majority of her friends would approve and agree.

  10. Secret underground organisation, tricky business. To be honest i have no idea but they probably do it because they can touch up their b*****s --- i mean make up.

  11. maybe they do in middle school. me, i like my privacy. i'd rather go by myself.

  12. They are talking about you!  And shy about walking around alone cos men watch them.

  13. So we can fondle each other's b*****s.

  14. to have hot L*****n s*x with each other.

    Bodilessboy is right..we do talk about stupid stuff

    and have hot L*****n s*x with each other.

    i think bodilessboy needs a hug..but he has cooties.

  15. They have hot L*****n orgies in the ladies restroom, didn't you know that?

  16. Girls usually go alone unless they want to talk about you.

  17. idk..i think its funny..i like to use the bathroom in peace

  18. Are you 12 and just noticing this or something?  How revolutionary!

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