
Why do girls have a mor veriaty of clothes than boys and boys are more exspensive....?

by Guest64602  |  earlier

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its just stupid




  1. Because us females are complex beings....

  2. Because Allah has created mans shape much more simpler than womens therefore making the choice of clothing styles less intricate for men. A woman has more curves so she has much more options and wider variety in styles to conform to her body structure.

    Can you picture a tall muscular guy wearing a short skirt and a bikini top!!!? ew what for it's not necessary nor does it look right. It looks funny doesn't it?

  3. cuz girls actually shop, and know how to make clearance look good. guys just buy whatever the manequin is wearing lol which is usually the expensive stuff

  4. Girls clothes come in a wide variety of fabrics, colors and shapes.  They also have many more accessories.  This variety is due to the fact that women are more interested in fashion, appearances, and dressing to attract men.

    Women can also wear pants and other traditionally men's clothing.  Men of course cannot wear skirts, dresses and feminine fabrics.  Why?  Because women earned the right.  That's right.  Back in the 1940's and 50's women started wearing men's trousers.  Society was shocked!  People said that these women were in sin.  This was against nature. They were trying to act like men.  They were loosing their femininity.  But women continues to challenge social convention.  Katherine Hepburn caused some negative press when she wore a men's suit and said she just felt comfortable in them.

    If you think that men's clothing is pathetically limited and you would prefer the same freedoms that women enjoy then you have to challenge social convention.

  5. fashion, girls are into fashion more than boys

    lol I thought girls was more expensive; makeup- lip stick lipgloss, concealer, powder.

    creams and accessories. bags.

  6. its just stupid.. u said it your self?

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