
Why do girls keep posting things about being pregnant at age 12 or 13? It's not even funny..?

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Why do girls keep posting things about being pregnant at age 12 or 13? It's not even funny..?




  1. it really isnt funny. My sister is almost 14, I would kill her!

  2. I guess they're too proud of being a mom, at that particular age.

  3.'s all about getting the attention!

  4. I know! Its probably to get a reaction, because when you're that age a lot of what you want is attention, and the worst part is the reactions they give, its what the kids want! So I just don't answer any of those stupid "I'm 2 years old and I'm pregnant" type of questions.

  5. I don't thinks that's anything to joke about.

  6. That's because it happens, I knew a 15 year old with a 4 year old kid, do the math.

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