
Why do girls like to kick men in the balls?

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  1. It is funny! no to be mean but it kinda is

  2. Well often we'll do it for a particular reason.  If a boy does something stupid or mean, or says something sexist, then a good hard kick in the balls is the best way to teach him a lesson.  Other times we'll just do it for fun, because we like to remind boys of their proper place, and to enjoy the funny faces and noises they make.  I think the main reason that we find it so funny is that the parts that make testosterone, which makes boys big and strong, are the very same parts that make him vulnerable and weak.  No matter how muscular and tough a boy is, that one spot always stays soft and squishy, and its good for girls to remind boys of that now and then.

  3. usually becoz they annoy us or are being rude, or a little too grabby with their hands...

    its the best way for us girls to hurt a guy, becoz their balls are so sensitive and vulnerable

    ive kicked a few guys when they tried to feel me up without my permission, it felt great lol

    they all started holding their balls and going: "owwww"

    guys deserve a good hard kick in the nuts if they p**s us girls off

  4. it's FUNNY!

    they hold their poor balls and go "oowww my nuts, ow ow!" lol and then roll around on the ground

    haha i always laugh!!

    most of the time i do it coz they annoy me, like my brother; a good kick in the balls makes him p**s off usually

    ive kicked my boyfriend too coz he tried to pressure me into having s*x with him

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