
Why do girls like twilight so much?

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so pretty much every girl i know reads those books, and i'm definitely not going to read them, so i was hoping some girls could tell me what they like about them...besides a s**y vampire? which is what i believe the books are about?




  1. I am a 14 year old girl and I HATE THOSE BOOKS!  they're SO unrealistic and romantic and stuff. but i guess some people like that kind of thing.

  2. Because we all love romance stories (though we may not all admit it) and throwing in a hot, perfect vampire in the story just makes it all the better :)  

  3. The vampire is a romantic old-school gentleman in these books, and girls cream themselves over that idea.

    It makes me nauseous to romanticize vampires. If they existed, they would be filthy, stinking, vicious undead evil creatures.

  4. Because Edward Cullen somehow makes them swoon.  He's so caring, and stalkery, and dead, it's all just so romantic.

  5. I read it. And you know what I didn't become g*y ether. It does have a plot you know.  

  6. Its about a human gil who falls in love with a vampire and there are a lot of problems with people who don't want them to be together and a werewolf as a best friend and things to deal with.

    You should read it though, i know a lot of males who have read it and really enjoyed it. It might have a girly image but i think you would enjoy it.

  7. That is very stereotypical. I personally didn't fall head over heals for it because the plot is similar to a lot of other books out there and it gets old and it's nothing new.  all the people that are claiming it to be the new Harry Potter need to get over themselves because Twilight doesn't compare to the genius of Harry Potter and many other fantasy stories. Yeah it is OKAY but nothing least nothing I would recommend.

    As for WHY so many girls like it I would say that they want some one to croon over because they don't have a great guy of their own. A lot of them seem to look over the fact that he is abusive. Stephanie Meyer makes vampires seem clean and cool and totally awesome but when you think about it, an undead person that walks around sucking people's blood isn't all that great, even with "cool" powers.

  8. It's... about a s**y vampire. There are people that tell you that it's about a real girl's life... it's not. I don't know anyone who has such an empty life as Bella (the narrator). Pretty much the reader is beaten over the head about Edward (the s**y vampire) and how pretty he is enough times that they actually believe it. There's little description of how he actually looks except that he's handsome, beautiful, enchanting, etc. Plus, girls get to "step into Bella's shoes" and pretend that all the guys at school are in love with them. It's an escapist fantasy that takes it too far (well, the fans take it too far, which makes the authoress take it too far).

    If you want to know more about it, you can go to and check out the forums! :)

  9. Two words: Edward Cullen


  10. Because it makes you fall in love with this s**y, mysterious guy and he is every girls dream set in an every girl life! It makes girls believe it could actually be real! I personally love the books because they are a great escape from reality, but i don't understand why some people are 'obsessed' over them.

  11. Haha, I don't know why people love them so much. I didn't like them that much (I'm a 13 year old girl)... I think it's because they want Edward to be real... Though he's abusive everyone loves him, that's the best answer I can think of...

  12. well, the books aren't really focused on the fact that there is a s**y vampire, it's more focused on the life of a young average girl who comes across the s**y vampire.  

    girls like it so much (myself definitely included) because the s**y vampire, edward, is the epitome of what every girl hopes to find in a man...with the exception that he's a vampire.  he's a gentleman through and through, he sees bella and sees there is no comparison to her.  

    what girl wouldn't want a guy that falls head over heels in love with her, has beautiful women that ogle him and yet he sees only her, tries his best to keep her a virtuous young lady, basically respects her in every way and has the promise of never leaving her?  

    edward presents a guy that rarely, and i do mean RARELY, exists in this world.  that's why girls can't put these books down.

    i also think that there's a crowd of young ladies that don't feel the same way about the book though.  i think if a young lady has never had her heart broken; has been taken for granted, then it's harder for her to fall in love with these books.

  13. Well, you are right. All of us girl admire the s**y vampire.. (or the s**y wearwolf) The story is very good. There is a lot of action. It is funny. We have a strong connection with the characters. We like talking about it with other Twilight crazy readers, and its very different from other books. It's not an average vampire story. There is nothing wrong with Twilight at all.. Yeah, maybe some people are annoying for talking about it 24/7, but it is truly amazing.  

  14. You are asking WHY right?... Well I think almost all the PRE-TEEN girls like the books because the main character is so plain that you could imagine that actually you are her, and well then appears the "OMFGEDWARDISOOHAWT!1" Edward Cullen who is tinkerbell with bloodlust, without fangs and sparkle in the sunlight, and he likes her because she smells good. Just that, no plot no conflict... NADA. It's like a soap Opera, just see "Fuego en la sangre" (A Mexican S.O) and it's like that. Oh and for the fangirls, I'm 16 so yes the main target of those books is me... a YOUNG ADULT and I DON'T LIKE IT

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