
Why do girls love guys that abuse them?

by  |  earlier

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I have 3 female friends who are in some kind of abusive relationship, but refuse to leave. I can't understand why they stay, they are so aware of the BS, they cry and complain, but they keep making excuses "When its good, its really good." "I know he loves me." blah blah blah. I can't seem to get through to them that "if he loves you he would not treat you like c**p". I really don't get it




  1. it is a control thing.

  2. i don't know, i've seen a lot of that too. i'm the other way, i'm very easy going and very attentive, and i honestly think this causes problems.  i've had a variety of relationships, some long term, some short, and while my nature is always something given as a big plus, i think in the long run it is part of the detriment of the relationship....if you figure it out let me know

  3. The problem usually lies in the fact that these women don't believe they deserve any better, and the men they are with usually do a pretty good job of making sure they don't think they will ever meet anybody else. It becomes a vicious circle in the end as they truly believe this c**p and think any man is better than being alone.

    Unfortunately it normally takes something pretty catastrophic to happen before they see the light. Until that happens the best you can do is try to build their self confidence and be there for them.

  4. well GIRLS like the jackass type who abuse them but MATURE WOMEN like the nice guys who rly care about them.....not all girls are like this, its just a majority of teenage girls are preferred towards the bad boy type

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