
Why do girls only want other girls as housemates? ?

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Most female classified advertisements are girls looking for girls only as housemates, but I rarely ever see a guy requesting guys only. Both people would live in separate rooms, so what gives?




  1. Guys tend to trash the common areas like the kitchen, living room, etc.

  2. What would hapen if you walked in on the Girl having a bath/shower!!!

    I would be so EMBARRASSED.

  3. we need someone to talk to about girl stuff like "omg!tom just like broke up with me for than lisa don't u think she is a total w***e??"or like something like "should i color my fingernails pink or glittery red?"  I mean it would be kind of weird like having a total stranger that is a guy!

  4. more girls are L*****n lol

  5. well honestly, guys tend to be messy.

    ALL guys, i'm sure are NOT this way.

  6. Although I hear that Guys can be cleaner roomates than Girls and less hassle (less moody - j/k, I'm kidding), most females worry about the man getting too close to them or becoming psycho, such as a stalker or wanting sexual favors, etc... So many factors come into play, but I've heard of Guy/Girl roomate situations, but usually when both are comfortable enough with each other.  

  7. For one thing, my mother would have a fit if she knew I was rooming with a guy. Even if it was in different rooms. Even if he was g*y. Plus, we have girl things to take care of that we might not want guys to see (PMS for one...). I could probably deal with it, but would a guy be able to deal with me?

    Plus, say it gets complicated? Sometimes you just need an uncomplicated place to stay, where you can keep your guard down . If I knew a guy I really felt would do that for me, than of course I'd room with him.

    Hope that helps you with figuring us out. =]

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