
Why do girls open their mouths automatically when putting mascara on?

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  1. Moves the cheek down slightly and lifts the lower lashes slightly away from the skin.  Just makes it easier to put mascara on.

  2. Our subconscious 'makes' us do this. what it does is stretch the facial muscles so that eyes are wide open(more spare application) and the face moves less so less mistakes.

  3. I don't know but I'm glad it's not just me! I think it's so we can open our eyes wide to get to the bottom of the lashes! I catch a glimpse of myself doing it and know I look ridiculous but I just can't stop it!  

  4. Lol i guess its a kind of habit, i tend to open my mouth automatically when feeding ma lil cuzzin bruv Beautiful toddler cos when he was a baby i used to show him how to eat LOl

  5. lmao idk it just happens, i think so we put it on properly and it doesnt go wrong lol

  6. hahaha...sooo true

  7. it's a habit... i guess

  8. apparently no girl can put mascara on without  her mouth open closed lmao.

  9. When a person opens their mouth, it closes the tear duct glands. The reason many women open their mouth when applying mascara (most of the time without thinking) is a self-protective response. Just the same as many guys do when trying to get something out of his eye.

  10. I do it because I am concentrating I suppose

  11. Haha i don't know actually, maybe we're hoping for it to taste nice?

  12. It is nearly impossible NOT to. I have researched that. lol

    It is like a reflex, like closing your eyes when sneezing.

  13. Lol, I've noticed the same thing everytime I go to the girl's restrooms. Honestly, nobody uses the toilets--just the mirror to "fluff" their hair and put makeup on.

    Well, I don't know the real reason cuz I don't wear makeup even though I'm a girl...but I guess it's an instinct, or an old habit.


    Edit: Walakum As Salaam =)

  14. It helps widen your face; try opening your eyes as wide as you can, keeping your mouth closed, and you will see that your face does not stretch nearly as much...the smoother your skin during application, the smoother your eye makeup will appear

  15. This is a good qus but 2 answer u I really dont know why we just do.

  16. lmao, its because your so into the mascara, and trying to put it on right that you dont know how to control the rest of your body.  

  17. its a big question really isn't it.

    I do as well, i dont know why though

  18. good question

    no clue

  19. i don't do that

  20. aww dude, I hate the way girls look when they put on mascara; they look ugly like that.

    as for the question, idk.;...

  21. I don't.

  22. Haha i know its weird, i find myself doing it as well.

  23. I have no idea, never noticed before

    i don't even use mascara.

  24. You kno i tried doing this with my mouth close just to prove a point, but it just doesnt quite work the same way - its a 'must do with mouth open' kinda thing!

  25. Not all girls do, but some stretch and open their mouths. Why lump everyone together

  26. because you are supposed to open your eye  as wide as possible - try doing that and see if your mouth opens too!

  27. dont know heh

  28. It feels like your opening up your eyes wider, when really your not.  

  29. lol you actually observed :D .. hmm I havent noticed that..

  30. One of my friends asked me that, i think its becasue we are concentrating on putting the mascara on and its an autonmatic response.

  31. In the case of Muslim girls(the ones who dont wear bin liners) they are waiting for their brothers(or other close relatives) to shove their under sized appendage in.

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