
Why do girls play softball and boys play baseball?

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This isn't a feminist or sexist question, but rather a physics one. I'm a girl but have always preferred baseball - not at an intense level, but just the feel of the bat, ball, and glove are better. They are smaller and easier to control. Softballs are big and cumbersome. I would think that the guy's sport - because guys typically have bigger hands - would be softball. Why is it the other way around?




  1. good question with good points. I've wondered that myself. Shouldn't everyone be able to play both sports?

  2. Has anyone ever seen a girl throw overhand?

    End of question!

  3. That's a good question. I coach Little League and we have girls on the team. Girls have the ability to play baseball just like anyone. The only thing that I can think of is that baseball and softball leagues where created years ago when girls did not play boy games. And  since the leagues are well established throughout the country it is hard to start another league.

  4. boys originated baseball with a baseball and a wood bat.

    softball was made so girls could play the same "sport"

    not being sexist, but thats just the fact.  why else would they have a huge ball for girls??? so they can hit it easier and they would have a harder time with a baseball.

  5. b/c guys can take getting hit by a baseball better than a female. with a softball, its easier to see, slower and much easier to catch. also since they pitch underhand, its almost impossible to get hit.

  6. guys can take more physical punishment than girls bc their bodies are generally bigger and stronger...that is a fact, look at growth charts

    this being the case i think that softball may provide a better pitching style for girls(it is a more natural motion) and shortens the field to make things faster, more challenging, and more exciting with the reduced strength. A 60+ mph softball pitch coming from 40 feet is not easy to hit.

    I think it is a good compromise, but if girls want to play baseball, more power to them, but at a major league level i see it being less exciting than softball

  7. good question, idk why but if you like baseball play it

  8. I think that originally, the idea was that softball was safer, and less physically demanding.  The ball is bigger (easier to hit), it doesn't fly as far or as fast (easier to catch), and it's softer.  A lot of guys play softball for the same reasons, although with them, most of it is slow-pitch.

    Also the field dimensions are smaller. This makes it more manageable for girls to make the throws, and run the bases.  They throw underhand because that was supposed to be slower.  No one envisioned the pitchers being able to throw it as hard as they do now.

    You're right though, overall, it is kind of a dated concept, and it makes for a completely different game than baseball.

  9. IDK great question

  10. I am not a sexist, but it has to do with the physical abilities of young men and women.  Notice I didn't say boys and girls.  Boys and girls can play t-ball and coach pitch together, but as they mature, boys will become much stronger and faster.  As you move into the older divisions of baseball the base paths are longer and the fences farther away, while in softball the base paths stay relatively shorter and the fences closer.  While the ball is larger in softball the players can field it and make throws accurately because the distance is less.

    Girls can and have played baseball at all levels, but for more of them to be competitive, softball is the better sport.

  11. i dont think it is a sexist reason or anything. but i play softball and i grew up learning to play softball and when i pick up a baseball it is hard for me to throw and stuff. and i have friends that are girls that grew up playing baseball but after a certain age girls are not allowed to play baseball in a league because of physical issues and stuff like that. so girls that even do play baseball will be forced to play softball at a certain age. so i really dont think it is anything sexist. hope that helps!

  12. This is just a guess, I don't have any evidence to support my theory though:

    Baseball was the original game. Softball was unheard of. furthermore, when baseball was developed it was also unheard of for women to play sports just because of the social differences. Therefore, baseball developed as an all male sport.

    Slow pitch softball was eventually developed as a way for out-of-shape men to play a form of baseball that required less physical fitness.

    As society change and it became socially acceptable for women to play sports, women began playing softball. Old stereotypes (about women being weaker and less physically fit) prevented most people from admitting that women could play baseball, but they were allowed to participate in the easier version (slow pitch softball).

    As more and more women began playing slow pitch softball, many of them wanted a more competitive and more physically demanding version. So softball leagues began popping up that didn't require the pitches to be slow, and Fast-pitch softball was born.

    It became socially acceptable for women to play either fast-pitch or slow-pitch softball. But for men, it was still seen as a choice between baseball (for a physical competitive sport) and slow-pitch softball (for a less physical, recreational sport).

    Like I said, that's just my theory, it will be interesting to see what other people come up with.

  13. i think because since the baseball is smaller, it can go faster than a softball can. The softball is also easier to keep your eye on, and catch...the baseball is small and you have a harder time trying to see where it is, and to catch it

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