
Why do girls think it is okay to kick a guy in the nuts? its not. Cant you just slap instead?

by Guest21195  |  earlier

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I dont see why girls always have to go for the groin kick, its not like we can hit you back so why cant you just yell or slap instead!




  1. because we were taught to do that a loooooong time ago

  2. well you have obviously done somthing extreamly worng to need to be kicked there, otherwise you would just get a slap in the face

  3. Because it's the most vulnerable spot on a guy and since we females are generally weaker it's one of the few ways we can defend ourselves properly..

    I know it hurts like h**l probably, but if it weren't for a man's balls then we wouldn't have many ways to defend ourselves from guys.

  4. Girls get it drilled into their head at a very young age... if you ever feel threatened by a male, go for the groin.

  5. If you attack me I will kick you anywhere so I can get away.

  6. Well, hitting isn't really okay either...unless one feels that they are genuinely in danger.  If I felt I was truly in danger, I would go for the kick to the junk, put the guy down so I can get out of there.  A smack is just going to make him madder.

  7. We're pulled to the side in kindergarten and instructed to kick guys in the nuts whenever necessary.  It's sort of a rite of passage.  I still remember the day I was told about it......

    It's hammered into our heads from then on.  We can't control it.  It's just a knee-jerk reaction (no pun intended).  Sorry.

    PS Some guys DO hit back.  That's why we're told to go for the nuts.  We have to floor you and run like h**l.

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