
Why do goalies always take a drink out of the water bottle after they have been scored on?

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I have been playing ice hockey now for 13 years and I still don't understand goalies. Everytime I see a goalie get scored on he goes straight for the bottle. Any reason goalies? lol




  1. I have noticed this as well. I think it is to keep re-hydrated and to splash their face with water to wake up and help them focus for the next shot.

  2. Why does your mom smoke a cigarette whenever I knock the bottom out of it?

  3. It's not watwer it's vodka - ask Hasek

  4. they are drinking any chance they get.

    it's a penalty to lift your mask up during play, so they couldnt drink during play if they wanted too.

    like DC said, calms them down, wakes them up.

  5. There are a couple reasons.  A big reason is there is a big break, which gives the goalie a chance to get hydrated again.  Also, it probably helps them get back into the funk and not worry about it by turning around and just taking a drink.  Keeps them loose and keeps them from worrying about it.

  6. to calm themselves

  7. Because they need to keep themselves hydrated....

  8. I've been a goalie for 9 years. We get really thirsty and it isn't always dependable that you will have enough time to take a drink on regular play stoppages. After goals there is more time. Also, it helps to regain focus.

  9. I think it is just a habit, turn away from the other team celebrating and thats the only thing there, a nice water bottle.  Probably turning away from your teammates as well, maybe they feel that they let them down.  Goalies have all kinds of weird habits.

  10. They probaly do so because you can't stop to relax if your a goalie, you've got to dive, stop, crouch for all kinds of shots and your head and body is on a constant swivel so they are going to get dehydrated (espically if playing for the whole 60 minutes seeing goalies don't often change lines).

  11. theyre thirsty

  12. I bet they're thinking d**n weak glove hand! Now give me my bubba! No, it's either drink when you can or lose ten pounds a game.

  13. Well... there is definately a break in the action and perfect opportunity... I think its a combo of that and also a general reaction.

  14. every one will get tired alot if they were a goalie so after they get scored on they do not try to think to much about it and move on since they are tired they have a little drink before the faceoff starts no body now how hard it is to be a goalie  except goalies they are over their representing their team and they get scored on they get a drink after all that playing you should have seen stars in the penalty box tdrinking some gatorade because they are tired it is a 60 miniute long game who wont get tired 20 miniutes of h**l break another 20 miniutes of h**l and break another 20 miniutes where they have to work their best and try to save everything

  15. ive been a hockey goalie for 7 years and i never relized myself ever doing that, idk maybe its just your team goalie that does it but ive never heard of that before.  most likely because when someone is like coming on a break away, you dont swallow and clench your teeth and you break a sweat everywhere. thats the best reason i could give you.

  16. Professional goaltenders have been known lose up to 12 pounds by sweating in a single game.  

    My guess is they are trained to take sips of water at all stoppages of play to try to stay hydrated.  If they tried to gulp it down quickly, they might get cramps.  My bet is you'll catch them drinking from their water bottle almost every chance they can.

  17. I'm a goalie so i can tell you for sure.  The water calms you down and wakes you up for one, and for two we go straight for the water bottle after every whistle.  The only difference is that the only time you're paying attention to us after a whistle is when we've just been scored on.

  18. I'm a goalie, and I don't.  But, then again I don't keep a water bottle on my net!  LOL

    Seriously though, I think it helps the goalie forget about the goal.  Chills them out, so to say.  'Wash' it away.  And depending on how hard they had to work before the goal, they might seriously be thirsty.  Or, they could just be following the crowd....they saw one goalie they admire do it so now they do it.  It could be a superstition.  

    I think it depends on the goalie.  There are millions of reasons.

    BTY- No body knows how we tick!!!   not even us ;-)

  19. they are thirsty...

  20. probably because of nerves, it helps them get it together again

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