
Why do goats eat grass,what do they get from it...?

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Why do goats eat grass,what do they get from it...?




  1. Goats are actually not big grass eaters. They do not normally graze like sheep or cattle. Goats like eating brush and forage they can get to without bending their heads down (a survival instinct type thing). They get protein and vitamins and all the things people get from their food that makes energy. Goats ruminate (chew cud). They have four stomaches like cows. So they are well equipped to digest grasses and woody plants like honeysuckle vines. Goats will not eat tin cans but they do like to taste and nibble things (like little babies do) and use their lips in place of fingers to satisfy their curious natures, hence the myth that they eat everything, ven clothes hanging on the line. What they are actually doing is exploring not eating.

  2. Goats need 70% bulk foods and so eat grass. They get carbohydrates and vitamines and also water by digestion of grass. But goats prefer broad leaved plants like jack fto grass.

  3. The grazers and browsers (goats are that) are those animals whose niche in nature is that of the herbivore; plant eaters. All life has a niche, and that is the one a goat fills. That is their dietary needs, plants, the leaves and grasses, old apples, an occasional newspaper or stray mitten or the leg hem of your jeans when they think that's what they want.

  4. Goats eat grass as a means to lower their body temperature.

  5. Goats, like cattle, are ruminating animals. This means that they can break down the components making up grass as well as leaves they get from browsing. They get all of the energy, vitamins, proteins, etc from the grass and browse that they need to grow and reproduce. They will eat concentrates such as corn if given to them, but it is not necessary for them. That is why they eat grass, it is their primary food, along with leaves etc they get from browsing.

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