
Why do goldfish start swimming sideways and start resting on the bottom upside down?

by  |  earlier

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Eventually, they die. Is this a disease that can be treated in some way?




  1. fish are quite basic animals, this is how their bodies shur down, the motor skils go first, then the abilty to stay the right way up as they are dying


  2. Toxic overload - change the water dude

  3. i usually call the porcelain ambulance about this time

  4. Hi, this is an easy one to fix-you need at least 10 gallons PER FISH in a properly filtered tank with a fitted lid & water testing frequently. Make sure you do your homework, follow the advice on the link below & you will not go far wrong. Listen to the advice from the store & you may as well flush your money down the toilet.

  5. Chances are your tank is not cycled.  How long has it been up and running?

    Test your water It sounds like you are going thru the ammonia spikes.

    IF they are all doing this, chances are it isn't bloat or swimbladder

  6. This is SWIM BLADDER DISORDER - IT IS TOTALLY CURABLE! It is caused by air filling up in the fish's gut, making it 'wobbly'. You need to take the following steps, and your fish will be swimming normal again;

    1. DON'T feed your fish for 3 DAYS (It sounds cruel BUT it'll clear out the digestive tract).

    2. For another 3 days, only feed shelled peas to the fish. This is a great remedy for the problem.

    3. Once this period is over, ALWAYS soak your fish food in water for about 1-2 minutes BEFORE feeding, as this will moisten it, soften it and get rid of any air.

    4. Oh... and one more thing... Remember to feed peas and live foods one meal every week to clear the system.


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