
Why do golfers say the ball went into the lumber yard when they hit it into the water?

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Made famous in caddyshack - "Right in the lumber yard, Danny"




  1. Sorry but I can't help you with this question. Maybe you should ask the person who said it.

    Have a good one...

  2. I've heard it before and never thought much about it until now.  I can't claim to be a definitive source, but I'll share my thoughts on the possible reason-

    Back in the lumber boom of the Pacific Northwest, lumber mills and associated yards were located on waterways, since the logs were typically transported by water.  I'm not sure if any of these old lumber yards still exist in their original form, but you can clearly see the reminants of their enormous structures.

    Check out this picture of the Weyerhauser Lumber Yard in Hoquiam:

    (It's about 7 photos down in the gallery)

    I remember seeing similar groups of pilings along the Columbia River and near other bodies of water in Oregon back in the 80's and 90's.

    Again, I don't know if this is the true origin of the phrase, but it makes the most sense to me.

    Hope this helps-  Good Luck!!

  3. clshep@p... is close with the answer.A couple of minutes later in the Caddy Shack movie after that conversation TY Webb hits the ball over a pond and onto the green close to the hols while wearing a blind fold.

    He asks Danny to try to do the some samething while wearing a blind fold and Danny hits it into the water . He lifts the blind fold and ask where did the ball go and Ty's response was "Right in the old Lumber yard"

  4. I don't use that phrase. I might use the word drink or just water

  5. I think this may have something to do with the Caddyshack movie as there is a quote from the movie that goes like this:

    Danny Noonan: I haven't even told my father about the scholarship I didn't get. I'm gonna end up working in a lumberyard the rest of my life.

    Ty Webb: What's wrong with lumber? I own two lumberyards.

    Danny Noonan: I notice you don't spend too much time there.

    Ty Webb: I'm not quite sure where they are.

    I think the metaphor that is being used is, you hit the golfball into the in, you're not quite sure where it is....

    Hope this helps.

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