
Why do good die young and the evil cowards live long?

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Why do good die young and the evil cowards live long?




  1. maybe cause if you have live so long, your view of life will change and you will become bad. Good people that die early never got the chance to live long, or the chance to turn bad cause they live short!

  2. because my husband is still alive and he is a old evil cowrd f**t!!!!lol...

  3. I'm not sure they do, I think it just comes from an old saying, and the fact that sometime to most / or some people that it seems to be true, when someone is either killed in  an accident or some other silly / or,  easy way, and people say it's not fair that someone so good as had to go, that way, and that some evil coward just gets maybe a very short sentence,or let off on a technicality, and still keeps his life, etc, etc, etc...

  4. The good are innocents and fall prey to the stronger and diabolical master minds. In this world It is the survival of the fittest and if you can't defeat the enemy, you will fall by there hands. It is not a comforting thought to say the least.

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