
Why do good people mess up?

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Please tell me why I allowed myself to break the law? I am normally a good person...I stand to lose everything now. Why?




  1. Nobody's perfect

    and our feelings aren't perfect

  2. Because we are all sinners.  We all have our struggles.

  3. Only you know the reason why. Don't beat yourself up over it. Just a note of advise, they like to scare first timers into thinking the worst. Just keep a positive attitude about everything, I know it's hard to fathom but seriously just keep on thinking about all the good things you do, concentrate on that rather than that one bad thing.

  4. Because we are human and not perfect.

    We all make mistakes but we need to learn to learn from these mistakes and become a better person from them.

  5. The hard truth is that everyone does what they do because they think they'll get something out of it.  People justify breaking the law, or breaking promises, or...  all sorts of unfortunate behavior because we convince ourselves that whatever we Want Right Now is more important that a commitment.

    As you're discovering, it's not worth it.

  6. We all have moments of weakness, and sometimes they are at the worst opportune time.

  7. because you wanted to!

    bad actions don't make you a bad person!

    you are human!  but reguardless of how good you are you still have to pay for what you do.

    rewards are best that's why most of the stuff you do are good!

    but you are human so forgive yourself and move on!

  8. Well, that depends on the crime now doesn't it?

    But to your question: we are human & therefore imperfect beings prone to the potential of making a mistake.  Everyone has them.  Hope yours doesn't have too bad of a consequence.

  9. Who did you kill?: Just kidding did you kill someone really. What ever you did I hope you learn from it. I use to steal things when I was young went to jail a couple of times for it now you could not pay me to steal any thing come on who did you kill

  10. I am so sorry for you hun :(. We all do stupid things sometimes, just some of us are lucky enough not to get caught. Whatever you did..I hope you'll be ok. Try not to blame yourself too much. It wont help fix anything now and trust me you are not the only one out there. People make poor choices every day

    take care  and try to forgive yourself

  11. Sometimes in the heat of the moment we make poor choices that come back to haunt us. Everybody makes mistakes, some are just bigger than others. You're not a bad person, you just did a bad thing.

  12. Everyone makes mistakes. All you can do now is take the consequences and be sure to be more careful in the future.

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