
Why do good police officers tolerate unlawful actions taken by their colleagues?

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Don't they realize that when they allow others to abuse their powers they're JUST AS GUILTY? I would expect a country like the US to shine its greatest light on those with the most power over civil liberties. Yet, police are routinely found commiting atrocious acts and when caught are punished with paid leave. What kind of system is this? How can good officers turn a blind eye? Why aren't we more scrutinous of police brutality?




  1. Good question the only thing that I can come up with is that they are all in bed together.

  2. well half our right sleeping together is one.  but the county i live in, its a good ole boy system.  look it up williamson county texas.  lots of media there, ex: local sherriffs daughter getting picked up for dwi, drugs,evading arrest. see what she gets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. They always watch each others backs & don't snitch on each other.

    It's the thin blue line.

  4. Watch the movie "Serpico".  Not all do but those that do usually end up dead like they tried to do to Serpico.  They shot him in the face but he survived.

    Personally, I just quit before they could get me.

  5. Because good cop are not protected from there own. they make a rat(or a cop that snitches on a bad cop) ride by themselves  or try to kill them. THAT true ask LAPD??

  6. Sounds like you are from New Orleans... we had two examples in the past week of the very thing you are talking about.

    The only thing I can think to say is it's a buddy thing. Trying to cover for a brother type of thing.

    The good officers need to "man up" and put the cuffs on the bad cops.

  7. Most of the time it doesn't do any good. Those of us who tell the truth are overwhelmingly outnumbered by those who will lie to protect each other. Would you beleive me if 8 other guys told a different story? Look at Frank Serpico.

  8. Do you have a source for this position, or are you just making it up?

    And does your source show that more than 10% of the nation's police officers are the officers you're asking about here?

  9. This is the biggest challenge in the law enforcement world.  They are trained to be a "brotherhood," kinda like a frat -- to always be there for each other.  The problem is that when one of the 10% or so that is a rogue officer violates their oath the others will do nothing cuz of fear of retribution.  The only answer is likely to beef up the internal affairs division as well as charging officers with additional crimes when the break the law for "conduct unbecoming an officer" or the like.

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