
Why do good things happen to bad people?

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anyone have an idea?




  1. I believe it tests our envy factor. Evil likes to tempt us, and get us to walk that path. But KARMA rewards those who stay the course, and delivers a whopping punishment to the bad people!

    That's why it takes so long to happen--it takes time to work up a disaster for them. It always happens eventually, though.

  2. i d k, but its so stupid !

    but i guess eventually, they get what they deserved .

  3. because (my guess) that the creator wants them to see how it feels when theyre treated nicely and might want them to treat other people tha same way.  

  4. good and bad are relative. they imply a value system. but if reality is value neutral then good things happen to all kinds of people, regardless or whether they are good or bad and bad things happen to all kinds of people regardless of whether they are good or bad. obviously, you think that some people are bad, so the arbitrary happening of things which include good and bad, will happen to them.

    if on the other hand you are asking if bad people often seem to get ahead, that is probably again based on an arbitrary value system that assumes certain things are rewards or prizes--like money, or fame, or power. sure, if someone is ruthless and cheats at any game there is a greater likelihood that they will succeed in "winning."

    to think the strong bully will not win is sort of like expecting the lamb to take down the lion out there in the jungle. well, most likely it will not happen. for the lion, success may be eating the lamb, but i am not sure the lamb thinks it would be a success for it to eat the lion. so maybe we need to define what is a "good thing."

  5. I got no idea, it's just a way for you to learn from them I guess. Just keep your head up and try to be positive when it happens.

  6. Why not..... bad things happen to good people!

    Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned....

    the rise before the fall.

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