
Why do goverment structures and officials shifting styles of governance.?

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Why do goverment structures and officials shifting styles of governance.?




  1. In the olden days people who went into government usually had money and did it because they were raised with the idea that because they had money they had a duty to help

    society. Thus when governments changed there wasn't too much difference in the way countries were governed because the people involved had the mind on what would be the best for the people and the country. ie long range plans.

    Nowadays politicians go into government service for money and power and fame. All they think about is how they can

    get the most the can for themselves and their friends and

    business associates. As a result they are only interested in one thing to get elected and to keep getting elected. They have very short range plans. Get me elected again so I can stay on this gravy train. When they lost they did their best to derail any ideas that the new government came up with.

    When was the last time you heard anyone in the government or opposition say gee that is a really good idea you came up with lets use it. (unless it is something to do with giving

    themselves a big fat raise) No everything that is suggested by the opponent is wrong and terrible and awful and would never work. That is why countries seesaw back and forth between one type of government and another because no one in power really gives a rats patootie about the country or

    the people in it.

  2. Cause it is about the one and only legal profession in the world you can do for a living and be a crook and get away scoot free at the same time.

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