
Why do government workers follow the rules and regulations of the job rather than help the people?

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The people are the customers, just because they can't go to competitors does not mean that they should not be treated properly. They get paid by the hour so they get paid regardless of whether they remove fees, taxes or are just nice.




  1. Depending on the government job, a lot of them can't do much for the people.  As for the ones that can, they are faced with jail time, let alone getting fired, if they do not follow guidlines. Some may face death with extreme cases. I'm not sure, but perhaps some branches with classified information have their employees sign contracts and stuff.  Take that guy that was in the Bush adminiatration for example.  He wrote a book about only AFTER he left.  I'm shocked that he even survived to publish it.  But had he put this information out while he was in the adminiatration he'd may have been killed in another hunting accident with Cheny.

  2. For the exact same reasons every other worker follows the rules and regulations. TO KEEP THEIR JOBS

  3. It sucks that they do that, but bureaucracy makes people work only in the particular confines of their "job description".  So they will only do their job in order not to get fired

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