
Why do governments keep pointing out acts of defiance by Iran if they aren't going to do anything about it?

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What's the point? Why don't foreign governments either do something about Iran, or just shut up? It's no secret what Iran is doing, and the "news" items (which aren't news at all to any intelligent person) just get old.




  1. they want you to think theyre gona do something about it

  2. Easy answer?  Israel wants US to fight their war against Iran.  it is all propaganda and means nothing.

  3. Exactly like Iraq getting over 30 resolutions by the UN. These foreign governments will give lip service and then expect the United States to do something about it. Then when we do take action they will complain we did get their approval. Pretty much an established pattern. I say move the United Nations headquarters to Iran and resign our membership. We start a new organization of Free Democracies and s***w the rest of them.

  4. It's called politics

    Americans are controlled by their government using fear

    Then say vote for the candidate who will "keep you safe"

    Iran has the rights to the same weapons as America has!

    An Obama win will calm the world

  5. Iranian nuclear weapons change the balance of power between the Sunni nations like Saudi Arabia and the s**+'ite Iranians.  This is the real long term conflict in the region.  Saudi controls much of the world's oil and therefore has leverage on the US and other nations, but before Western nations go to war they've got to go through the motions of diplomacy and debate.  Iran is using that time to enrich as much uranium as possible in hopes of getting the bomb before we resort to disarming them by force.

  6. they're building their case so when action is taken they can say we gave them every opportunity to straighten up.

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