
Why do guardian angels only protect against one kind of peril?

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I cannot count the number of times I took a third look when driving and saw a car which I missed on the first two glances.

Yet I continue to hurt myself in social situations. Are guardian angels only on guard for physical dangers?




  1. God provides only children with guardian angels

  2. Some stuff you have to learn on your own. And try not to wear out your angels! haha

  3. If I'm reading you correctly you're saying there's something with a spiritual obligation to lead you by the hand through life and make sure you don't have to make any choices without first knowing the outcomes will be to you're liking.

    I'd guess you need to back up your thinking a mile or two.  You've made a wrong turn somewhere.

    You don't want a life where there's no risk, no adventure.  A guardian angel of the sort you're describing would make a cruel hoax of whatever you're calling life.

  4. well, we don't know that, do we? Ask God. He knows. I think that is a question you can put on your list to ask Him when you see Him face-to-face. Some things are not answerable, yet.

    I personally believe that angels are everywhere. Do a little reading on angels in the Word. Also, Billy Graham's book "Angels" is excellent, and raises some good questions. God bless you, and keep believing in angels!!!

  5. We ultimately choose our destiny, however we only give credit to our guardian angels when we survive something tragic. We don't give them credit for every day things like that green light on the way to work.

  6. I've been guarded by guardian Angels. I had a motorcycle accident that should have killed me but I was held up by something as I rolled on the ground, My head should have hit the ground, But God held it up so I wouldn't get killed I thank God for my life  My job on earth is not done yet. Or I would be dead.

  7. Social situations and physical harm are 2 different can heal from embarrassment but its alot harder to heal from getting hit by a bus.

  8. Guardian angels are there to protect but they cannot alter our free will. we are the ones that choose our pathways even though we are meant to experience certain events and learn lessons as we go . if we meditate we can ask our own spirit within us to guide us or give a call to our guardian angel to help us when we really need to. they protect us if we call to them next time you are in that type of situation ask your guardian angel to go with you and pause to give them the time to alert you to your mistakes.

  9. Why do you blame yourself in the social instances but credit an imaginary friend for the preventing the real dangers?  It's you and only you in both.

  10. If I were you I would thank  my lucky stars adn thank your guardians for protecting you. Can't you take a h int to be more careful?  Obviously, you have written something about car accidents into your chart. Maybe you have decided to change course and they are here to make sure that you do not collide with the original plan. Why do you think that you would be safe from everything? If that were so , you would not learn a thing while here on this earth.

  11. I'm  not sure of the differences in the roles of guardian angels and spirit guides. Maybe it's your spirit guide who is supposed to help you with social situations. Whoever it is..I wish they'd help me in choosing the right gifts for people. I know this seems like a minor thing...but I have to buy several gifts for each person..hoping that ONE of them will be the right one(one that they'll like). Christmas seems to be the time when I'm the worst at this,,.maybe because of the stress. It just seems like I'd get better at this..but I don't . I almost find myself trying to read the other person's mind to figure out what they like.

    I AM grateful for anything that guardian angels do. But, I often wonder what went wrong when really bad things happen to people. I wonder if you have to ask for their help. Like people who get kidnapped etc. You KNOW they're praying for help..but not all get it. Guess some things are a "mystery". (At least that's what I've always been told...when I couldn't understand things.)

  12. The Catholic churches view on them:

    Spirit guide" is a term used by the Western tradition of Spiritualist Churches, mediums, and psychics to describe an entity that remains a disincarnate spirit in order to act as a spiritual counselor or protector to a living incarnated human being.

    Apparently you are not truly listening or paying attention to what is trying to be showed or said to you.

    Stop & listen & try to learn.

  13. Most responsibilities are up to us to make through out life. Its all part of being a human, and living on a physical planet, in a physical life. They can not live our lives for us, or with us. They will only intervene when absoulately have to, to help guide us. They send us messages and warnings, but most ego,s over ride them, or dont notice any of the signs.. But then life wouldnt be natural if not one thing went wrong , would it ??? some times we have to make mistakes, so we can learn from them, and change our course..and the most natural thing, is human error, so theres always going to be accidents and deaths..Its life unfortunately.. You have to look at the bigger picture.. But anyone can learn to have a connection with angels and learn to read their messages, that mostly guide us along further.....but they nearly always give us a signal...let me give you an example...

    A girl accepts a ride home after a party, then a friend comes along and says" let me drive you home" just as you were getting in that car...and your reply was.."no im right ive organised this ride we are leaving now".....Then something bad happens to you....and you ask why wasnt my guardian angel there ? ...They were, they sent your friend to you, before you got in that car, but you refused his offer...Angel;s just dont come down and fly off with you, out of harms way......But life is all about having accidents and doing our best to avoid them of course, buts its not always the case.....

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