
Why do gunlovers claim guns are harmless? They say Guns don't kill, which means guns are harmless. So let the-

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kids take guns to school since the conservatives say guns are harmless and don't kill. Give a kid a gun today, because the gunowners say guns don't kill!

And let the gunowners go to the schools and wipe up some of the blood!




  1. Guns dont kill people, people kill people.

    You need to get through to the individual who do these type of things, not take away the guns. You take away the guns, and they will just find something else to kill with.

  2. Mate i think your issue is with who the gun is trusted to cause honestly give a kid who has safety lessons and his own juniour liscence and if his dad/grandpa used to be hunters and took him hunting all the time then he'll be sensible. Give a suburban kid who thinks they are "Cool" a gun and he some how takes the safety off then you got a problem.

  3. There is not a weapon in the world that is harmless.  If no weapons existed then there would be fewer deaths.

    I sometimes feel people need guns to help define themselves and not for protection.

  4. Okay, in the past everyone had guns???Before that swords...well I never heard of semi-automatic swords capable of killing hundreds instead of one......

    Gun owners just want to perserve their "right" regardless of the situation or who gets hurt....

    Help the people causing the problem? Yeah right, A majority of gun owners are the same ones who protest abortion yet do nothing to help the women who are pregnant and left to raise the child....

    No face it, "guns don't kill people, people kill people" is the same kind of reasoning the tobacco industry tried when public opinion went against their product......"there's no proof that cigarettes are bad for you"

    I for one am willing to take my chances against a stick, knife or "keyboard" that wants to kill me as opposed to 1 gun.

  5. I'm a gun owner. I even wear it on my hip in public because the laws of my state permit it and there are parts of my area where an unarmed man is easy prey. I can't rely on police response all of the time because I live in a county larger in land area than the entire state of New Jersey.

    I also believe that any parents or guardians who let children have access to firearms so they bring them to school should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The same as giving the keys to the car to an unlicensed child to drive. But, the fact that some moron allows his child to get access to that weapon, take it school and use it to kill and wound others has no bearing on my ownership of my weapon. Because what you advocate is mass punishment. I can act responsibly regarding my weapon and I have. In over twenty years I've withdrawn it from its holster only four times in public. On each occasion it was to prevent the commission of a serious crime. On three of those occasions the intended victim was me. I never fired it on any of those occasions. The mere fact that I was armed was enough to bring a light of understanding to the cretin who wanted to carry out the crime.

    I also note that Boston enacted a draconian law which severely restricted gun ownership some years ago. The rate of homicide by stabbing, bludgeoning and ax attacks has gone up dramatically.

  6. Um, they don't say that guns are harmless.

    The function of a gun is to inflict harm (or threaten to).

    What are you?....On dope?

  7. Its not the guns its the people that do the harm. If you want to live in a violent world that you gota take a risk by both carrying a gun and being aware of the need to defend yourself.

    In Europe before guns were popular, it was normal for people to be armed with a sword. When there was a disagreement they fought a dual and sometimes they survived too. With the passing of time this custom became out dated and the people were gradually learned to be more civilized. But in the US they havent yet reached the stage where the concensus is that it is better to give ones life than to cause unnecessary hurt, so guns are still carried and used. Its really a kind of selfishness and its something that is a national characteristic that stops the majority from progressing. As Europeans we find it a bit crude and hope that the US will grow up and become as civilized as us.

  8. I agree with you..All kids in school should have guns.That would make them gun owners also.

  9. Thats an overly simplistic view of a situation. Guns are a tool or a device. If I were to bludgeon you to death with a keyboard does that make keyboards dangerous? Or the way it was used dangerous? Whilst there should be stricter gun control laws, parents should make a bigger effort to educate there children rather than blame every single other thing or person for their own lack of parenting.

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