
Why do guppies eat its babys??

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just wanted to know. and how many times do i feed them?




  1. It's just the fishy way.  Survival of the fittest.  Most fish will eat any other fish that's small enough to fit into their mouth.  If the fry are smart enough and quick enough to get away and hide, then they live.  More fry probably get eaten in fish tanks than in the wild because they don't have as many places to get away and hide.  Fish tanks are relatively more crowded, so adult guppies are more motivated to eat their fry and keep the population down.  If guppies didn't eat their fry the world would be overrun with them the way they reproduce!  

    If you watch your fish very carefully, you will discover some interesting trends.  Many experienced guppy mothers will "cull" their own fry - eating the slow, weak, or deformed fry and leaving the healthy ones alone.  In bigger tanks many adult guppies won't even chase fry or try to eat them at all, while in smaller tanks guppy fry are hunted down and eaten mercilessly.

    For optimal growth, guppy fry should be fed very small amounts up to 8 times a day.  A guppy's stomach is only as big as its eyeball.  An adult guppy should be fed 2-4 times a day.  A varied diet is best & high-protein, live foods encourage growth the most.  Higher temperatures also increase growth rates.

  2. because they get hungry

  3. Most fish eat their young if possible.  Few species will protect the offspring.  They just get hungry and babies taste good.

  4. big fish eat little fish.

    You can feed the babies very little portions around 5 times a day.

  5. they eat their babies because they are in a fight for survival. keep the babies in a breeding tank if you want them to survive.

    the babies need powder food or crushed up fish food.

    the mum needs her normal food.

    most babies survive on other microorganisms in the tank anyway.

    my baby guppies hide in a plant in the tank and they always survive

    hope this helps  

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