
Why do guys always show up on the To Catch a Predator Show?

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I know they've tried one for women to show up but they don't show up...why is this? Or why do you think?

I don't think anyone knows.

LOL and please don't say it's cuz women are smarter than guys...cuz that's just crazy (my mom said the other day...I hope she was joking)

It puts a bad light on only guys are rapists but I'm just as mortified to hear that a woman is sleeping with a child when a man is doing the same

(I've seen guys react favorably to those stories and I'm like ???? that's rape! he was only 11...don't high five each other)




  1. Coming from a man, most rapists are men. That is unequivocal fact, it's nothing to be sensitive or politically correct about, but it has nothing to do with intelligence.

    As for people who commit statutory rape, it is not viewed as much as a horrific act when talking about a younger man who is a minor and an adult woman. Men in general are viewed as the aggressors so maybe this is why people are less horrified. Most women seek older more mature men anyway whether it be a year older or more. I think there are biological factors and social conditioning at play here. But this is not a thing people seriously talk about because the truth maybe too politically incorrect to examine in a thoughtful manner.

  2. Perverts aren't logical.

  3. lmaooo that show is sooo funny and wrong at the same time....they guy are usually sitting in the living room watching the door with a box of condoms beside them...d**n where u gonna jump her 14 yr old bones as soon as she walked into the door...and its funny when they catch those middle eastern guys like 35 talking bout they didnt see anything wrong with america thats why wrong

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