
Why do guys approach.....????

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16. I was wondering why guys approach me only if I am with my friend. like..when im out with my parents or alone guys don't really pay attention. but if i am with my friend they approach us like crazy. like we were at the beach and some guy even used the line "how much does a polar bear weigh?" "enough to break the ice" line and guys shout at us from their car windows nonstop. so why do they only do it when i am with my friend and not when im out with my parents or alone?




  1. When you're with your parents, they're too scared of them, as they should be. When you're with your friend, they feel like maybe at least one of you will say yes.

  2. Ask your Dad.  Your mom can answer this but she's probably going to tell you what she THINKS is on their mind. Dad's can be idiotic sometimes but for the most part we like our daughters to understand what they need to be aware of on planet Earth.

    I suspect you may already know but like to be coy.  The danger in that is that some...predator will take advantage of the game and run it on you.

    Open your eyes.  Then ask your DAD...or Mom if you have no choice.

    Good luck.  Try not to be prey.

  3. They like your friends more than you or they wanna get in your pants

  4. Because all they want to do is get in your pants, and they don't want to approach you when your with your parents, or alone cause they might think that you will scream or something. And plus they approach a group so they can bang all of them.

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