
Why do guys care so much about how they smell?

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why do guys care so much about how they smell. guys are always goin crazy over how thier colone smells. WHY?????




  1. the question is why do you NOT care.

    but to answer your questionn its because they think girls will wanna bang them if they wear some fancy colognee.and it does smell fantasticc

  2. so they smell good for ladies, and we are thankful that they do!!

  3. if you were a guy, do you think you could get a girl smelling icky? i didn't think so. it's all for girls

  4. because nobody likes a smelly person. especially if your trying to impress a girl. and its always good to smell good.  

  5. uh, i don't think it's just a guy thing. I don't obsess over it, but people with good hygein want to smell good. If someone is going crazy over it, they just need to chill out.

  6. Guys want to smell good for the girls and plus, it would be disgusting if they don't.

  7. idiot + tv telling them good smell gets s**y girls jumping on you, going nuts

    = idiot obssessed with smell.

  8. stupid question...

    considering girls take an hour and a half to get ready i nthe morning..

    really really stupid question

  9. Believe me, if we're not careful how we smell, we'll stink like the north side of a southbound moose.

  10. Actually, I wish more guys cared about how they smell.  Apparently you haven't been around enough men.

  11. isnt that the exact opposite.. i thought women cared about how they smelled.. i know i dont..

  12. well why do girls?there isnt anyht9ng wrong with wanting to smell good.and maybe you should tell your brother to tone down the amount he uses.

  13. Axe ,

    Tag ,

    Old Spice ,


    Have you noticed that most of those brands commercials always have a loser get sprayed with it then get attacked by girls .

  14. Psh. Why not? I mean come on. Who would want to date someone who smells BAD.? (Maybe they think if they use it all the ladies will jump on them like they do on the comercials..) Lmfao!

  15. you know that nobody likes to smell bad especially to other gender i mean imagine a cute guy ..standing far from you but when you get closer you smell like there's somethin' dead inside his clothes lol......would you ever like to  talk to him anymore!!!??? ....i guess not ...

  16. around other guys we dont give a *****. around women, well we want em to be close to us and not like take a whif and pass out.

  17. They think they'll be cool and ladies will come to them.

    To me i dont find it attractive at all.. most guys put soo much that its so strong.

    As long as i like the smell and they dont put too much ill be fine.

  18. thank god they do!

    if youre even so much as complaining a tiny bit about that hunnie, theres worse things out there.

  19. Typically it's because we don't wear perfumes and such at a young age. So when we do discover what Marines call "smell-good", we tend to make a big deal. And we don't smell as well as girls, so we tend to put on more than we ought.

    But also, this is the first generation of guys who were raised principally by their mothers and without fathers in American history. Its making the guys metro, emo, or whatever-o sexual. And that means a lot of grooming.

    Hopefully it'll go away. Nothing more foppish than a painted man.

  20. I know a lot that don't care at all.  Trust me, having them smell overly nice is better than them reeking like b.o. and grime.

  21. Because, If we smell good then we think women will like us more. We want their love and care. Make ourselves look nice and not slobbish and we would feel better about us and hope a girl asks us to prom. Or something along those lines. XD I personnely use ChanelAnd Some other thing that scrapes my mind.

  22. They want to get ladies not chase them away... and some boys have a real stink o_o Anyway, other people (girls) care about how guys smell. o.o

  23. I'm pretty sure girls do, too.

    Seeing as girls have perfumes and what-not.

    You rather have guys smell like sweat?

    (( Although, guys who abuse Axe/the like, are rather stupid. ))

  24. Jacob's ladder. Women are aroused by certain smells. It's scientifically proven that certain smells make women more attracted to men they would otherwise overlook. They are just trying to increase their chances with the ladies.

  25. No one wants to smell bad.

  26. This use to not happen. They have started putting more fragrance in cologne. Men are turning more to the feminine side.

  27. Well, to be honest, if I cross a good smelling guy on the street [even though i have a boyfriend] I can't HELP take a look. It's just like pheramones or something, its tempting. Guys go crazy over it because girls do too =]

  28. Its our self pride and we care about how we look on the outside. that's the prob. we need to show our insides

  29. Are you kidding me? I dont give a c**p how I smell, and Im dripping with sweat here as it is. It sucks having no A/C in august...

  30. Because girls care so much about how the guys smell.

    If a semi-cute guy is wearing s**y cologne, he suddenly seems hotter.

  31. most guys are self conscience of themselves when it comes to girls. they cant put on make up like us girls can! so besides doing their hair (if they have any) they want to look nice and to look nice, they must smell nice. oh and lastly guys just in general have bad BO

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