
Why do guys compare sizes?

by  |  earlier

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with down there things? If they're big the just hurt girls.




  1. competition - we got to see who's the biggest and baddest dawg on the block.

    testosterone levels - causes us to be aggressive and make ourselves wanting of females.

    curiosity - some guys just wanna know where others stand.

  2. Because we like to compare our adequacies. It's not a g*y thing, but guys to like to see how they measure up. You have to understand that guys are very visually oriented. I'm sure that when guys are watching p**n for instance, some will still look at the guys equipment and compare it to themselves; although they might not admit to doing so.

  3. It has everything to do with s*x on TV and in magazines and books, as well as the fact that Americans are always engorged on the mindset that bigger is better. In all sorts of media that guys are seeing, women and men alike are always impressed and "content" when they see or date a guy who has a larger p***s, regardless of whether or not it feels good to them. Furthermore, it also comes from adolescent banter and ridicule, as guys that are at different stages of puberty have different p***s sizes, and in the locker rooms in gyms that require kids to shower, these sizes are evident and it only gives one more thing for kids to pick on each other about. Guys should learn that this notion about bigger being better is sheer nonsense and should embrace the idea of using what they have to the best of their ability rather than wish for something more.

  4. so we can make sure we got our fair share /// so we were at the front when they were handing p***s's out and not out watching dogs play with hams doh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's where i was now i remember

  5. unconciously, men love their partners to be hurt while they're s******g. men became aroused when they see the reaction of their partner...

  6. Do women compare breast sizes?  No lies, now!

  7. big penises just looks more manly. small ones looks like you never grew up.

    and you can think the porno industry for that. they are the ones who put inference's on breast size,blond haired girls and p***s size.

  8. I don't really "compare" with other guys.  Besides I know mine is on the small side.  


  9. Equal parts competitiveness and insecurities.  Good Lord, learn to type.

  10. just out of curiosity

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