
Why do guys do this?????????????? i am so <span title="confused??????????????????????...?">confused?????????????????...</span>

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im in the 11th grade there is this guy at my school who whenever i happen to see him is always staring at me. for example last week i was driving out of the parking lot and there was a line to exit it and so my car was stopped. he was right like 6 feet away from my car to the left standing with his friends. i could see from the corner of my eye that he was staring at me for over 40 seconds straight. it made me uncomfortable so i pretended like i didn't see and that i was messing with my radio or w/e. this happens all the time.i always ignore it and pretend i don't see him b/c its awkward. i like him but i don't know why he doesn't talk to me and why he does this? we have hardly ever talked and only have 1 class together. he is popular but i never see him with girls. he stares so often even when im walking with my friends.why? and what do i do? this staring has been going on OVER ONE YEAR. its like whenever he sees me he stops w/e hes doing and stare




  1. Only he knows for sure why he stares at you in particular, but the reason he stares at all is because he has no sense of what is appropriate. Once or twice is one thing, but for a whole year? That&#039;s a bit creepy &amp; it&#039;s obviously making you uncomfortable. I would just flat-out ask him about it; I know that&#039;s easier said than done but in this case it&#039;s pretty necessary. You could just say, &quot;Look, I&#039;ve always noticed you looking at me all the time- what&#039;s up?&quot; If he&#039;s taken aback, apologizes, etc. then maybe he&#039;s fairly harmless &amp; you can stay on good terms (hopefuly he&#039;ll stop, too). If he sees nothing wrong with it and continues to do it even after you bring it up then stay away- he could be bad news. If you&#039;re REALLY scared to mention it to him directly, maybe have someone else ask him about it.

  2. It is actually considered rude to stare at people, but guys do this because they are to shy or lack the confidence to speak to girls. It sounds like he definitely does like you but he might be too shy to do anything about it. Why don&#039;t you try a different approach and instead of pretending not see him when he is staring at you, just act naturally and if you look up and happen to see him looking at you and you are within speaking distance then you could a say a simple &quot;hello&quot;, he would surely say &quot;hello&quot; back. then you would both be on at least &quot;hello&quot; terms, after a couple of weeks of this he might feel more confident and ask you out. All the best!

  3. Get one of your friends to ask him if he likes you, more than a friend. If he says yes than get her to tell him that you like him too and that you and him should talk sometime......maybe you could start a realtionship. If he says no, then get her to tell him to stop staring at you all the time.  If you don&#039;t want to get a friend involed than ask him yourself, you could ask if he likes you or why he keeps staring at you, whatever one works better for you. Hope this helps! =)

  4. Maybe he is shy with girls..break the ice if you like him.

  5. he likes you alot or you have somthing that grosses him out or that amazes you mabe like a mole??haha j/k dont think its that he likes you!!

    answer mine!!;...

  6. it&#039;s so obvious.  have a conversation.  he&#039;s waiting for you to wave or smile or come over and talk to him, and you&#039;re waiting for him to talk to you.  just talk to him.

  7. maybe he is afraid to talk to girls, and you dont have to be hot for a guy to like you.

  8. Just say &quot;hi&quot; or &quot;hello&quot; or &quot;sup&quot; or whatever it is you kids say these days.  He&#039;ll probably reply with a &quot;hello.&quot;  If he likes you and has the jewels, he&#039;ll probably strike up a conversation.  If he likes you but is shy, he&#039;ll prob. keep walking.  If that is the case you probably will have to question him and be like &quot;Yo wut up wit you staring at me yo?&quot;  Do kids still say &quot;yo&quot;?

    Oh if you do choose to &quot;step up&quot; to the kid, do it with some friends or around faculty members just in case he a psycho.  Stay safe.

  9. Talk to him,

    Ask him whats up.

    He probably likes you a lot if this has been going on over a whole year. You might wanna actually stare back at hime to see if he would back down...

    Also, don&#039;t say that your not the prettiest girl in school cuz to him you probably are...

    Good luck! Lemme know how things work out for you!!!

  10. He likes you but he is too shy to tell you. You should try talking to him. Also you do not have to be hot for a guy to like you that is just a sterotype that makes guys look bad. A lot of guys really want a girl with a good personality.

  11. a guy likes who a guy likes... its not really a choice.

    And he does this probobly because he likes you a lot, but either dosent have the courage to walk up to you, or maybe he thinks your in a relationship. the only way to deal with it is to go up to him and say something, but not like &quot;Why are you starting at me?&quot; thats just going to make it way awkward.

    Just go up to him and be like

    &quot;Hey, I&#039;ve seen you around a lot, and I just thought I would say Hi.&quot; then just Introduce yourself, and then let the conversation flow, and if he does like you, then you will no doubt be able to tell.

    Good Luck!

  12. The guy crossed the borderline between being attracted to you and stalking you.

    If you don&#039;t want people staring at you then stay at home.  If you feel uncomfortable of him staring at you then confront him about it and tell him that it makes you very uncomfortable and creeps you out.  Or you could talk to one of his friends or find out who his best friend is and talk to him/her about it and tell them how uncomfortable it is for you.

  13. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovo said that he has crossed the borderline from attracted to stalking, i disagree, i think he is in love with you but is to shy to walk up to you and talk.

    you ask &quot;why do guys do this&quot; well its not only guys who do this, i have noticed that girls do it to, a girl once watched me for over about 2 mins.

    maybe you should talk to him, see how he responds.

    hope this helps.

  14. Ok, first of all this guy sounds a bit sinister, the next time he stares at you, say to him &#039;yeah&#039; in a casual tone, then if he looks away or says &#039;nothing&#039; you&#039;ll know if he&#039;s a bit weird. If doesn&#039;t stare again he doesn&#039;t like you, he&#039;s just got a freaky staring problem, if he does it again say to him &#039;can i help you&#039;, if he looks away or says no he&#039;s just plain crazy. During this whole time if he starts to talk to you when you say something to him, talk to him he may be anice guy.

    Hope this helped:)

  15. Just stay something to him about the class you have or something, something has to be said, it does sound kind of creepy, but guys are silly.

  16. He likes you. Sounds as if he is afraid to come and talk to you. If you want something to happen...your going to have to go talk to him.

  17. if its been one year then he probably does like you. chances are hes too afraid to be himself around his friends or to tell them that he likes you. most guys are afraid to show their true feelings and hes probably one of them. most guys i know are scared to fall in love with girls and what not, that could be a possibility too! if hes not approaching you, you should most definitely approach him or maybe write him a note , then maybe he will come out of his shell.

    good luck with everything i hope you find the solution.

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