
Why do guys do this?? its insane!!?

by  |  earlier

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you meet a guy, hangout, he has you, he pulls away, then you get fustrated and quit liking him, then he comes back trying to get your attention?? this drives me nutts!! why do the do it???




  1. Some of them only like the chase.

  2. some guys dont know what they want so they play games. then, once youre fed up, they feellike they are losing something (which they are). and guys dont like to lose since they are highly competitive. im sure guys have genuine feelings also but they usually dont like to feel like they are being tied down. this is why you must get an older guy who is starting to settle down a little more and who knows what he wants.

    overall, men are just as crazy as women, just in a different way. enjoy the insanity!!

  3. don't want to sound mean... but maybe he shouldn't of had u sometimes if u do that it makes them think your easy and they will do things like that... ever heard of "why buy the cow when u can get the milk for free" maybe he just sees u as a rebound, u don't want that.

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