
Why do guys do this??????????

by  |  earlier

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im 16. there is this guy who i had one class with last year and have another class with this year. over a year ago i noticed it seemed like he was looking at me quite often.

2 months ago, i was turned around talking to this girl in my class and he was sitting 2 seats behind her. he moved his body all the way over so he could see my face when i was talking to her he did that for a few seconds but it was noticeable because i saw him.

there have been lots of occurances like that one. also this happened a few times over the past year i would be standing with 1-2 of my friends during lunch at school, and he would be standing with his circle of about 6-7 friends. i would be like 30 feet away but his eyes would be directly on ME.

TODAY i was walking up a flight of outdoor stairs. there is a bench on the lower level that you can see when walking up the stairs. i looked down at the bench and there he was. he was like biting his nails or something and looking directly at me.




  1. they are litterallly from mars

  2. well it seems that you have payed a lot of attention to him for a wile. from what you say he has paid a lot of attention to you too. you are going to have a moment with him to talk to him and you need to jump on it because i m sure you have passed a lot up already.

  3. That's kind of spooky.   I would be very  careful.

    You don't know him don't know what he is really like.  It seems you like the way he looks and are  flattered that he keeps staring at you.

    Why don't you ASK him why he keeps looking at you and if he wants to ask a question.   Be sure someone is with you.

    Take Care.

  4. well, it seems he loves you actually, so you should first try being friends with him to get to know him. what they say about smiling at him you should do it. if i'd like a girl that much i would love her to smile at me, so if he returns you the smile it means that he is interested in you, if he don't maybe it was just a coincidence for him to be staring at you.

  5. The next time you make eye contact, smile at him, and maybe give him a little wave.  I don't know how big your school is, but maybe mention something to one of your friends about's bound to get around to him...It sounds like maybe you are both a little shy...the best thing would be to think of a common you both like sports, or the same music...something that you would feel comfortable talking to him about.  Then you won't feel so akward when you do get a chance to talk.  Good Luck!

  6. this would be the art of checking you out. So if you see him staring at you quiet often just walk up to him and introduce yourself and tell him that u have noticed him staring at you but put a smile on your face. This will make the suttle impression that you like him and if he isnt a dull dude he should pick up on that.....and if things go least you now know and u can say that u tried

  7. talk to him

  8. I think you should talk and get to know him, oviosly (i spelled it wrong)he is checking you out. is he looking at your face? cause if he's looking some where else (below head) it might mean he thinks your smokin' hot

  9. Perhapes...he likes you, to.

  10. The next time he does it, smile at him.

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