
Why do guys do this?????

by  |  earlier

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im 16. there is this guy who i had one class with last year and have another class with this year. over a year ago i noticed it seemed like he was looking at me quite often.

2 months ago, i was turned around talking to this girl in my class and he was sitting 2 seats behind her. he moved his body all the way over so he could see my face when i was talking to her he did that for a few seconds but it was noticeable because i saw him.

there have been lots of occurances like that one. also this happened a few times over the past year i would be standing with 1-2 of my friends during lunch at school, and he would be standing with his circle of about 6-7 friends. i would be like 30 feet away but his eyes would be directly on ME.

TODAY i was walking up a flight of outdoor stairs. there is a bench on the lower level that you can see when walking up the stairs. i looked down at the bench and there he was. he was like biting his nails or something and looking directly at me.




  1. I would think it would be hard to like someone without knowing them. You might like the attention or his looks but if you don't know him how can you like him. Either approach him with "So, if your not going to approach me I guess I have to come to you." or forget him and meet a guy that will talk to you.

  2. He is attracted to you.  That is why!

  3. Why do guys do this?  Ah, the eternal question!  When *I* was that age (a 100 years ago) I did that sort of thing because I was attracted to the girl.  Yes, looks had something to do with that - but I also found her interesting.  You've been in class together.  You SURELY know how to let hm know you are interested in him as well!  A friendly smile, a "Hi, John!" in the hall, maybe even ask him to work with you on a class project.  Or, really suck it up and tell him you are flattered that he looks at you!

  4. um i think he likes you- so go up to him and talk to him!! don't wait for him to go away!!

  5. well... as mentioned by "doting grandpa" you could just get up the guts to say "hey whats up, i cant help but notice you looking passionately into my eyes and was wondering if you think im so gorgeous, how come you dont talk to me?" - obviously this could go good, if you use a bit of sarcasm (acting!) behind the above phrase, and he would chuckle and use just the same sarcasm to say something he thinks is clever right back at you - also it could go wrongly because if you say it more like you are narcissistic (way too into yourself) then he may think you are a bit stuck up, even for a guy as popular as him - so make sure you watch the tone of your voice (keep it soft) and make sure you smile, look him in the eyes, and make it VERY obvious that you are flirting and being sarcastic (you dont even really have think of yourself as gorgeous (it helps ^_^) good luck!

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