
Why do guys do this???????????so confused...long but please read..?

by  |  earlier

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im a junior in highschool. there is this guy in my grade who last YEAR-OVER ONE YEAR AGO had a class with me we did one project together. ever since that i would notice him staring at me if i was walking with my friend but he was standing with my group of friends i could see him staring directly at me..this has happened quite a few times in the past year. it's not like im looking out for him staring at me either. its just whenever hes in my sight and i happen to notice him looking.

one incident occurred a couple months ago i was walking out of class when he turned around i guess he saw me behind him and stood up straighter and improved his posture

then yesterday i was walking out of class again he was waiting by the bookshelf then he was kinda blocking the door then he left once he knew i was behind him and he glanced behind him. same day i was going to the parking lot and him and his friends were playing frisbee. i got into my car and was driving out slowly. (continued)




  1. seems he has made his job, to catch your atention. Do you like him??????? put something in action!!!

  2. Oh yeah he likes you.  He's trying to get himself noticed by you but it sounds like he lacks the self confidence to make a move.  Subconsciously he wants you to make the first move but he'd never admit that to you or your friends.

  3. yeah he like you! :0)

  4. guys are creepy idk whats good about a guy always staring at you, i wouldnt feel safe.

  5. YA, i think he likes you but is to shy. try talking to him more and do more things with him and other people.

  6. Ya

  7. Sounds like you need to make the first move. Call him.

  8. He probably does like you, so go talk to him.

  9. Aww, I think he definatley likes you, or thinks your a cutie. :)

  10. He likes you but is afraid to approach you.  Common problem among many guys.

  11. he's a stalker, he knows where you live and sleep and he has put cameras all over your house... it's just a guess so it doesn't matter if I'm a little off

  12. He just wants ur kidneys ive seen this a hundred times, dont go to any dark alleys.

  13. you really ought to add more

  14. Yeah he probably likes you, but I purposely dont look at the person i like, but he may just think your hot, which is different from liking you...

  15. either he likes you and is afraid to talk to you...or he is going to kill you

  16. it sounds like he does like u

  17. He definitely likes you, otherwise he wouldn't stare at you so much. He is admiring how beautiful you are.

  18. Yup sounds like he likes you but he doesn't know how to tell you, probably embarressed you might reject him, you should try talking to him.

  19. he likes you but needs a "que" that you like him so that he can talk to you.  Smile ate him, and twirl your hair in your fingers.  that's a good que for a guy.

  20. he thinks your hot and if ou keep on looking at him also maybe you like him who knows

  21. .maybe he likes you and he wants your approval. him blocking the door, maybe he's a bully, but when you're around

    he wants to change,just needs a reason.  you might be able to help him.

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