
Why do guys do this?????????so <span title="confused????????????????????????????????????????????">confused?????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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im in 11th grade. i was new to my school a few years back but this guy at my school has gone there his whole life and is popular. i had 1 class with him last year. we did one lab experiment together in a group and that was it. after that experiment, i would notice him staring at me alot. like i would be 30 ft. away walking with a friend and he would be with his circle of friends but looking directly at me...this happened about 5 times-maybe more. i always ignored his stare and pretended not to notice. this year, we have 1 class together.first day of class he chose to sit behind me, next day i moved to be near my friends and have sat there since. anyways this keeps happening- i will be walking up the hill to my class after lunch (theres always alot of people around) and he will be walking down the hill with a friend. im usually walking alone or with one friend. he stares at me as i walk by and i ignore it. or even if im far away he...(CONTINUED)




  1. i think he likes you but is probably scared to talk to you or something

  2. he likes u. thats why.

  3. rather then racking your brain about it go up to him and ask him, &quot;what&#039;s up&quot;?  only he can answer why he stares at you so much. or maybe it&#039;s just astigmatism.

  4. either he likes you or he has a weird staring problem.  ask him out!

  5. If you like him you should definitely look back at him. Don&#039;t pretend that you don&#039;t notice him because he probably wants you to notice him. You may even be hurting him by never looking back because he may feel like you don&#039;t even know he exists. Maybe he never talks to you for the same reason--because he feels awkward and thinks he&#039;s not good with girls.

    Maybe you could one day come up to him with a homework question just to strike up a conversation. After that, if you notice him looking at you, look back and casually say &#039;hi&#039;.

  6. You say you&#039;re not good with guys, well from what you&#039;ve said, he&#039;s obviously not good with girls. Don&#039;t mention the staring to him at all, it will make him feel awkward because he doesn&#039;t think you know about it, trust me. If I was you, make a conversation happen, and just make a joke like &quot;I&#039;ve seen you loads, but we&#039;ve never had a full on conversation, so I suppose this could be the start of one!&quot; just something to make him think you feel slighlty awkward, and he&#039;s not the only one. If you like him, work towards it, and good luck!

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