
Why do guys fear commitment?

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Why is it such a big deal to confront your feelings for a woman and want to be with her?




  1. Guys don't fear commitent. Some guys do and some don't. Some guys just want s*x and some guys want a relationship but those guys are too boring for some girls. Some guys fear commitment because they have been hurt before. Maybe some guys have been soured on a committed relationship because of the examples that they have seen growing up and or with close friends. I suspect that it is the same with some women.

  2. Not all men fear commitment. Those who do, do for much the same reasons as women who fear commitment. Afraid of losing freedom, afraid of leading someone on, afraid that the grass might be greener elsewhere, afraid of ending up with an unwanted child...

  3. Guys fear commitments because they thing it will make them  feel less of a man to let someone know they care about them.

  4. most boys find it hard to show their feelings for fear of being rejected and stuff

    Not all guys don't commit and when a guy is ready to commit then you'll know it

  5. It is only a big deal for some guys, not all guys.  It is quite unfair to generalize as to every guy.  There are a lot of men that commit quite easily and with fervor.   All of us very happily married women have found one, and if you just be patient, stop looking for him, you will find him.

    I know, you may be thinking that a lot of people have told you that very thing, to stop looking for him, but let me take that statement one step beyond the common understanding of it.  To stop looking for it doesn't necessarily mean that you are to stop dating and wait for Mr. Commitment to fall out of the sky into your lap.  What it means is that you should not ever push someone into making a commitment, but instead, set a goal of time for yourself and if you see the man that you're dating hasn't made that decision on his own, it is time to move on to the next.  

    Men love women very easily and a lack of commitment means a lack of maturity or readiness.  If you're ready and he's not, your timing is off and thus, it may be a good idea to buy a new watch and get back out there to find the man that is.

    There a lot of women out there that cannot and do not want to commit either.  Women are usually more bold about letting that be known.  If you are with a man that tells you that he is not ready to or doesn't want to commit, it is time to move along down the road.  

    Most people think that life is too short to be miserable, well, I think it's too long to be miserable for a lifetime.

  6. Not all guys are afraid of commitment, Maybe they guy you are with is not ready for what is happening. Are things moving to fast?  

  7. Not a jealous man. But females lie! But, I guess that's just what s***s do.

  8. they do not want to be trapped

  9. 2 things--as a guy you are pretty much wired to want to play the field.  It is nature's way of keeping the gene pool varied and healthy.  Sorry, its the way we are.  Committment = finance.  It means you blow 2 months salary to buy a rock, you take a HUGE burden on for basically 25 years at least, you are going to finance the life of your children and maybe your wife, too.  No more goofing around with the guys, you can never even think about hitching around Europe for a couple of months, or crewing on a ship and working your way across Asia.  No, you are committed to the career ladder--hard, uncomfy shoes, uncomfy suits, ties, up at 6, home at 6, for the next 40 years.  Who wouldn't fear that?

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