
Why do guys get defensive when you ask a simple question?

by  |  earlier

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I asked this dude why are guys weird. Then all of a sudden, he gets defensive saying "B****h, I ain't weird!" I wasn't even talking about him! I was talking about guys in general! I have dudes who keep staring at me and don't even talk to me for 2 weeks, dudes bragging about their s*x life, dudes kissing the computer screen, and etc!

These are the same people who ask me why do girls cry when they see happy endings! What is their problem?




  1. I think it's the way your saying it.Maybe he thinks that you implied it.guys are weird ! lol

  2. that they don't grow up until 20

  3. If you were talking about boys in general... he is a boy, so he's included in that.

    It's silly to get offended over something like that, but maybe he was just having a bad day.

  4. I guess they're just curious minds

  5. Guys want to show off to their friends and they will do whatever it takes to fit in. It is considered cool to treat girls like c**p.

  6. they are too immature!!!!!!

  7. Because they're immature and dumb. Plus he's probably insecure. They don't grow up as fast as us girls so I guess its from a female's point of view. In their point of view, we're probably stuck up.

  8. Because he's a GUY. Unless... he's a she, but than he, I mean she, no wait, he (sorry, just bit confusing here) refers to him/herself as a GUY.

    So don't be suprised. Some people are a bit sensitive, and find it offensive when you say something like that. He might have thought of it as a feminism/sexist comment.

  9. Girls are smart

    Boys are dumb

    That's all your going to here. Get your own opinion and don't grow up thinking guys are stupid and useless. There are a lot of guys who are good. There are two sides to every story, we think girls have weird habits. But that's just life.

  10. Yeah I agree maybe its the way you said it. Also you could of clarified your question more.

  11. Morons.

  12. Ah who cares he's a big baby.

    Ah c**p I just starred this waste of time.

  13. Oh yeah, they are just morons.

    That's all.

  14. How would you react if I came up to you and said "why are girls so wierd?"

    You would be like uhh what?!

    Ok look at it from another perspective it sounds like your trying to imply he's wierd at least in my opinion.

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