
Why do guys hate CRISTIANO RONALDO???

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just wanna knoe why guys hate cristiano ronaldo maybe its cuz of his skills or maybe his looks




  1. Hes a pretty boy who dives and complains.

  2. There is definitely jealously over his skills. Hate though... because he's always diving and then giving cheeky looks when he doesn't get away as if to say "I'm Cristiano Ronaldo how dare you not give me that free kick".

    Definitely not his looks, take a close look at his face, ugly chipmunk.

  3. Maybe you've never seen him play. But I am a girl and I hate Ronaldo. He should depend on his talent and not his diving and good looks. Nobody cares about the pretty boy when they're trying to watch a football match.

  4. i dont

    he is cool

    he plays cool

    now maybe he is a jerk but i don;t care

    i just wanna see him playing

  5. no one can argue about his skills ..

    butt i hate him because of his ego and diving ..

    and love to see he cry after every time he lose .. :)

  6. Because they are all jealous: he's got both the looks AND the talent, not the brains though...

    Well, I like him, but I'm a girl :)

  7. im not a guy and still i dont like Ronaldo, i mean he is a great player and love to watch him. but he is completely arrogant, dives alot and more of an actor.

    I love to see him cry though, its funny :)  

  8. i like his skill but i hate her carasteristic.

    he is arrogant  

  9. well...guys get jealous really easily. they are always wanting to be the best, the coolest, nicest looking, most popular, best at every single thing, and the center of attention. cristiano ronaldo is every single one of those. hes the best, cool, nice looking, popular, and the center of attention. guys are really just jealous because he is so good at soccer that its unbelievable. oh...and he gets a lot of girls. lol

  10. He is indeed a great player....But he seems like a playboy to me.....(Showing off & changing girlfriends)...

    I think this is why everyone hates him, except for a few....

  11. It is because of his cheating antics, and diving is the most prominent one. My image of Cristiano Ronaldo changed completely when I saw this crazy cheating antic of him in a Man Utd vs Aston Villa match.

    He was in the penalty box, and an Aston Villa defender (sorry I couldn't recall who he was) was marking him, and the distance between the two of them is roughly 2-3 meters. Then, suddenly, Cristiano Ronaldo fell down, and he rolled down so many times as if he was struck by a thunder. Many replays of that incident followed suit, with the replays showing from all possible angles that nobody and even nothing touched him at that time, and the closest Villa player was the aforementioned defender who was at least 2-3 meters away from him.

    After that, I saw the most horrible thing ever, the ref immediately gave the Villa defender I mentioned a red card for that incident in which Ronaldo was clearly diving and pretending to be injured, and while the defender was sent-off, Ronaldo still received medical attention, looking in extreme pain. After the ref ordered a penalty, miraculously Ronaldo got up without any sign of pain or injuries at all. Then he stepped up and and executed arguably one of the most beautifully taken spot-kick that season which is difficult to do even when you are fresh (remember he was supposed to be "injured"?)

    I think it was not acceptable especially for a top player like him. He gave football a really bad name and because of that, I have never looked at Ronaldo the same way ever again! I only see him as a thick-faced cheat who still cheats even though he is gifted with all the great skills and at that time, I believe he was still able to score a goal cleanly in that game if he didn't cheat as he had sufficient skills to get past the Villa defense and score a clean goal. It is really shameful to see a top player like him setting a very bad example for those kids who aspire to be top footballers.  

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