
Why do guys hate when girls shop all the time????

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Why do guys hate when girls shop all the time????




  1. I hate to generalise (because everyone's different and gender stereotypes don't really apply across the board) but guys aren't stimulated by shopping in the same way that women are. The time you spend flitting around the store trying on different combinations of clothes, sixteen pairs of shoes and five hats doesn't feel like time well-spent to your man - it seems like a drag and he doesn't get anything out of it. You want to share your shopping joy with him, but he's just not wired to appreciate it. In the same way, time he spends watching "the game" or playing World of Warcraft might seem like a time wasted to you, but to him it's very enjoyable. So maybe "hate" is too strong a word, but when you feel the urge to spend some time shopping, send your man off to do something he'll enjoy and take a girlfriend along instead.  

  2. Because women like to walk around the store and look at everything 3 or 4 times before they decide whether or not to get something.

  3. Not all guys hate it "when girls shop."

    Thanks for asking.

  4. first of all, guys enjoy shopping about as much as girls enjoy boxing. Second, a girl who likes obsessive shopping, especially name brand top qualilty c**p and a high social standard is considered high maintenance and is a threat to the guys wallet. If you are that kind of person, then I'd suggest a good education and a good job to support your high dollar habit, unless you've got killer good looks cause guys will see you as the ball and chain that has them shackelled to their jobs just so they can afford your a$$.

  5. guys are impatient and usually very quick easy going shoppers they get what they want and go but girls on the otherhand take their time shopping and get many things some of which aren't needed. mostly all guys are like that we took one of our guy friends into a clothing store called wet seal and he's like eww that sounds gross and went straight to sports stores lol. thats just the way they are and if your in the need to get some shopping done just dont take your guy with you. he'll just slow you down lol

  6. If they're being forced to shop WITH you it's because they get bored fast.  No guy likes tagging around behind his girlfriend carrying her purse and packages for hours while she tries on half the store.  If on the other hand you're just asking why they hate their girl shopping all the time's because a lot of girls go through money like it's water without a second thought and it makes the guy mad to see such wastefulness.  

  7. Because we can't make a decision quick enough and we are spending their money Haa

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