
Why do guys have nipples ?

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  1. This is actually the title of a book! All fetuses start out as a girl, with the X chromosome and the nipples form, whether of not it turns into a boy or girl happens a little later

  2. In Vitro we all start out as females.  

  3. so we can be given titty twisters?????

  4. when life begins ..whether for humans or animals ..we are all the same s*x a certain point in the developpement of the baby ,nature choses if it's gonna be a female or male  

  5. I got 4 nipples.


    because we all start out as girls or some bull""".  

  6. So girls can suck on them.

  7. Viva la evolution

  8. developing as a fetus, we all have to start off with them.  

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