
Why do guys like it so much?

by  |  earlier

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so wtf is with guys loving b***s so much, i mean all girls hav them. . . i really don't understand what makes guys so excited about them




  1. Nobody knows why guys like b***s it is just a natural reaction. Why do girls like sculpted tan guys. Unless you arent in to that yourself. But yea all guys like b***s different sizes and all that but most guys should get to know a girl and worry about the looks later.

  2. dunno...why do girls get turned on my penises? HAHAHAHA i said p***s HAHAHAHAHAHA you said boob lol :P

  3. there are so many different shapes, sizes and consistensies, they excentuate the femine curves- these are what attract the guys

  4. its just like girls liking jewelry.

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